SAP Program RJKSAG11 - Where-Used List for Business Partner

This report determines all orders in which a business partner appearsin at least one role. The order items determined are listed sorted bybusiness partner, order number and item number.

Selection Screen
You can specify criteria to restrict the orders determined on theselection screen.

  • Business partner

  • You can specify specific business partner numbers; if you do not makean entry here, the report evaluates all business partners.
    • Partner role

    • You can specify specific partner roles; if you do not make an entryhere, all partner roles are included in the evaluation.
      • Sales document type

      • You can specify specific sales document types; if you do not make anentry here, all sales document types are included in the evaluation.
        • Sales area

        • Sales organization

        • You can specify data on the sales organization, the distributionchannel and the division; if you do not make an entry here, all ordersare included in the evaluation irrespective of these factors.
          • All orders

          • Select this checkbox to have the report determine all orders for thebusiness partners. Otherwise, the evaluation does not include orderitems that end on a date prior to execution of the report.

            The report creates a list of the order items in which each businesspartner appears in the selected roles. In addition to the order data,all roles and the assigned business partners are listed for each orderitem.
            Roles occupied by the business partner for whom the where-used list wasexecuted are highlighted in color.