SAP Program RJKNSTNB - IS-M/SD: Print Program for Subsequent Delivery Documents (Retail)

This is a print report that can be used to print out an extra copiesorder for a retailer using output determination with a SAPscript form.The printout lists the quantities per extra copies order.

The output type used must be defined in an output determinationprocedure defined for the item change.
The report is started by an external call. The start routine is theform routine 'ENTRY', which must be entered in the customizing settingsfor output control. (Application object Sales, processing programs).The program and the routine must be entered for the appropriatecondition type. The form for printing must also be assigned here.
To print out during collective processing, printing is triggered byreport RJNAST00.

You can change the layout of the output using the form. The fieldsavailable for doing this are those from the order header (JFRK) andbilling items (JFRP) as well as a variety of text fields.
Address output is performed based on extended address management, whichcan be assigned a print format for each form and business partner role.The default setting is a 6-line output.
Any totals fields or other fields required are contained in theDictionary structure RJFSCRIPT.