SAP Program RJKEVL10 - IS-M/SD: Statistics: Daily Retail Sales for Customers

This program creates a list of the daily sales made by each retailcustomer. A new page begins in the list for each sold-to party. Thedelivery and return quantities listed are sorted by bill-to or ship-toparty, publication, edition and publication date, depending on theselection criteria specified.
The selection screen contains the following selection and controloptions:

  • Publication period or shipping period

  • You can select the retail deliveries and quantities for processing byspecifying either the publication date or the shipping date.
    • Return period

    • The return quantities are determined from the returns recorded for thedeliveries. You can further restrict the period in which returns are tobe taken into account by specifying the return period.
      • Plant

      • The plant that ships the units delivered.
        • Publication

        • The publications specified here are processed. If you leave this fieldblank, the program processes all publications in the system.
          • Edition

          • The editions specified here are processed. If you leave this fieldblank, the program processes all the editions in the system.
            • Sales organization/distribution channel/division; sales office

            • These fields allow you to restrict processing to one sales area or asales office. If you leave the fields blank, all retail orders areprocessed regardless of this organizational data.
              • Retail sales document type

              • The specified retail sales document types are processed. If you leavethis field blank, the program processes all retail sales documenttypes.
                • Selection option for sold-to party

                • Customer group
                  Customer number
                  These fields allow you to restrict selection to certain customer groupsor customer numbers of sold-to parties.
                  • Selection option for ship-to or bill-to party

                  • Customer group
                    Customer number
                    These fields also allow you to restrict selection to certain customergroups or customer numbers of ship-to parties or bill-to parties.
                    • Expand individual lines

                    • You must select one of the two options (ship-to party/bill-to party).This determines whether an evaluation with expansion of individuallines takes place for each ship-to party or for each bill-to party. Theselection criteria you specify for the customer group and customernumber (in the block "Bill-to / ship-to party") are interpretedaccordingly.

                      The program creates a list taking a new page for each sold-to partywith delivery and return quantities.
                      The address of the sold-to party, the selected period and - if selected- the sales area are displayed in the page header.
                      The list has the following column structure:

                      • Characteristics

                      • Ship-to party (address data and sort field)
                        Publication date
                        • Key figures

                        • Delivery quantity
                          Proportional delivery quantity
                          Note: The return quantity is the returned portion of the deliveryquantity displayed. The return date is not the shipping date but isnormally a later date in the return period selected.
                          Quantity sold
                          Delivery quantity minus return quantity
                          Return rate in percent
                          The data is sorted by sold-to party, publication, edition, shippingdate, ship-to or bill-to party.
                          Subtotals are formed at the following levels:
                          • Publication date

                          • Sold-to party