SAP Program RJKBST31 - IS-M/SD: Transactions Affecting Live Subscriptions

This report determines the transactions affecting subscription ordersin a period. It lists the live subscriptions at the beginning and endof the period and the new subscriptions and terminations in the periodas totals using purchase quantities. You can determine the contents,summarization levels and expansion levels using selection criteria andparameters.

Selection screen
The selection screen is divided into two blocks:

  • Data selection: In this block, you can make entries to restrict the
  • order data that is to be evaluated.
    • Output control: In this block, you make settings for the summarization
    • levels and expansion criteria for the lists the report creates.

      Data selection options:

      • Analysis period

      • Defines the first and last day of the period to be evaluated. Theprogram evaluates the live subscriptions for this basic data and thetransactions performed for these subscriptions between these dates.
        • Subscription sales document type

        • You can restrict processing to certain subscription types; if you donot make any entries here, the report evaluates all existingsubscription sales document types. Offers are excluded from selectioneven though they belong to the sales document type grouping forsubscriptions.
          • Sales organization/distribution channel/division

          • You can enter data on the sales organization, the distribution channeland the division; if you do not make any entries, the report includesall subscriptions independently of these factors.
            • Sales office responsible

            • You can specify the sales office responsible for the order here. If youdo not make any entries, the report processes all subscriptionsirrespective of the sales office.
              • Carrier route

              • Here, you can restrict subscription evaluation to one carrier route; ifyou do not make any entries, the report includes all subscriptionsregardless of the carrier route.
                • Geographical hierarchy variant

                • If you want to perform selection using a geographical unit (see below),you must specify a geographical hierarchy variant that contains thedesired geographical unit. For further information on the geographicalhierarchy variant, please see the online documentation on this field.
                  • Geographical unit

                  • This field allows you to restrict evaluation to one geographical unit.If you do not make an entry here, the report processes allsubscriptions irrespective of the geographical unit.
                    • Normal delivery country

                    • This field allows you to restrict evaluation to the country normallysupplied (e.g. when a redirection is made to a foreign country, thisfield contains the country from the "standard order item"); if youleave the field blank, the report processes all subscriptionsirrespective of the country.
                      • Publication

                      • The report evaluates subscriptions to the publications specified inthis field. If you do not make any entries here, the report processessubscriptions for all publications.
                        • Edition

                        • The report evaluates subscriptions to the editions specified in thisfield. If you do not make any entries here, the report processessubscriptions to all editions.
                          • Edition report group 1 and edition report group 2

                          • This field allows you to restrict the evaluation to subscriptions toeditions that belong to certain report groups. If you do not make anyentries, the report is not restricted with regard to these criteria.
                            • Service type

                            • Here, you can restrict the evaluation to subscriptions with certainservice types.
                              • Sales promotion

                              • This field enables you to restrict the evaluation to subscriptions withparticular sales promotions.
                                • Sales source

                                • Here, you can restrict evaluation to subscriptions with certain salessources.
                                  • Purchase reasons for order selection

                                  • Here, you can restrict evaluation to subscriptions with certainpurchase reasons.
                                    • Item types to be included

                                    • Here, you can control which item types are included in the evaluation.You can choose between the basic item types, which are as follows:
                                      Standard item
                                      Free item with automatic transformation to chargeable
                                      Free item without transformation to chargeable
                                      Trial item with automatic transformation to chargeable
                                      Trial item without transformation to chargeable
                                      Free item
                                      You can select individual item types or all of the above.
                                      • Include reversed orders/include if delivered/ignore

                                      • Here, you can control how reversed orders (which may have beendelivered up to their reversal) are to be processed.
                                        • Include backdated orders

                                        • If you select this parameter, the report includes backdatedsubscription orders from their initial validity date (even before theregular start of delivery).
                                          • Include orders that are not viable

                                          • If you select this parameter, the statistics include subscriptionorders that were not viable during the analysis period.
                                            • Order number (for test)

                                            • For testing purposes, you can restrict data selection to certainorders. If you select individual orders or only a few orders here, thestatistics can also be created in dialog processing.

                                              Output control options

                                              • Summarization levels

                                              • If you select the following parameters, the report makes a page breakfor these summarization criteria:
                                                Edition report group 1
                                                Edition report group 2
                                                For example, if the summarization level is "Publication", thepublication is displayed in the page header and list is expandedaccording to drilldown criteria (see below) and totaled for alleditions of the publication. The same applies for the othersummarization levels. You can select a number of summarization levels.
                                                • Drilldown levels

                                                • In this block, you can control whether or not the list containsseparate lines for the individual 'reasons'. You can specify that thelist is to contain lines for
                                                  Purchase reasons and/or
                                                  Delivery end reasons
                                                  You can also limit the reasons to be listed in both these cases. Ordersthat are not included among the reasons to be listed are totaled in aseparate line (marked as 'Other reasons').
                                                  • Include partial subscriptions weighted

                                                  • This field allows you to determine whether partial subscriptions (forexample, Saturday subscribers) are counted according to the partialsubscription weighting from the edition mix offers or whether thepurchase quantities for partial subscriptions are to be counted infull.

                                                    The most important precondition for successful evaluation is that themaster and transaction data should be maintained fully.
                                                    For example, it is particularly important for weighted valuation ofpartial subscriptions that a partial subscription weighting be recordedin the mix offers for the editions. Missing data is noted in an errorlist at the end of the program.

                                                    For each summarization level selected, the report creates a list with apage break for the values of each summarization level. This means amaximum of 4 sublists are created.
                                                    Each sublist contains:

                                                    • The live subscriptions at the beginning of the period

                                                    • The total number of new subscriptions within the period

                                                    • If the drilldown level 'Purchase reason' was selected, the number of
                                                    • new subscriptions for each purchase reason as well as the number of newsubscriptions that do not correspond to the selected purchase reasons('Other reasons').
                                                      Order items are marked with the purchase reason 'No reason' if nopurchase reason is recorded in the order item.
                                                      • The total number of terminations within the period

                                                      • If the drilldown level 'Delivery end reason' was selected, the number
                                                      • of reversals for each delivery end reason and the number of allterminations that do not correspond to the selected delivery endreasons ('Other reasons').
                                                        • Live subscriptions at the end of the period

                                                        • Change in live subscriptions during period

                                                        • = difference between number at beginning and end of period
                                                          Finally, the report displays an error list if error scenarios wereidentified during processing.

                                                          Please note:

                                                          • It is not possible to select by carrier routes and geographical units
                                                          • at the same time.
                                                            • Item types limited to a certain period, such as suspensions,
                                                            • redirections, gift transfers and charitable transfers are not included.
                                                              • If you only want to include orders for which delivery is viable, it
                                                              • must be viable without gaps, either within the analysis period or forthe validity period of the order (depending on the time limits).
                                                                • When weighting partial subscriptions, the numbers of live subscriptions
                                                                • may be inconsistent, so that the 'original number of subscriptions +new subscriptions - terminations' is not the same as the 'final numberof subscriptions'. The difference depends on the number of reasons andthe weighting of the partial subscriptions and is caused by roundingfor list display.
                                                                  For example, if you have three new subscriptions with different reasonsand a weighting of 1/6, the report displays three new subscriptions of0. However, the live subscriptions at the end are 3/6, which aredisplayed rounded up as 1.
                                                                  If an item is converted, for example from a trial item to a standarditem, this does not lead to new subscriptions or terminations when theconversion takes place.
                                                                  • A 'No reason' line in the expansion levels by purchase reasons and
                                                                  • delivery end reasons contains the order items for which no purchasereasons or delivery end reasons are recorded, for example due to aquantity change or a change of edition (due, for example, to a changeof address).
                                                                    This line is usually only displayed for terminations since a deliveryend reason is not normally recorded for the above changes.