SAP Program RJKBST21 - IS-M/SD: Comparison of Live Subscriptions - Standard/Trial/Free

This report determines the number of subscription orders on two keydates. The live subscriptions are compared as totals using purchasequantities and the difference is displayed as an absolute figure and asa percentage. You can determine the content, summarization levels andexpansion levels of this list by means of selection criteria andparameters.

Selection screen
The selection screen is split into two areas:

  • Data selection: You can specify criteria here to restrict the order
  • data to be evaluated.
    • Output control: In this block, you specify criteria determining the
    • summarization levels and expansion criteria for the lists created.

      Data selection options:

      • Key date 1 and key date 2

      • You specify the two key dates for comparison in these fields.
        • Subscription sales document type

        • You can restrict selection according to certain subscription types; ifyou leave this field blank, the report evaluates all existingsubscription sales document types. Offers are excluded from selection(although they belong to the sales document type grouping forsubscriptions).
          • SOrg / DChann / Division

          • You can specify selection criteria on the sales organization,distribution channel and product division; if you leave these fieldsblank, the report selects all subscriptions irrespective of thesecriteria.
            • Sales office

            • You can specify the sales office in charge of the order in this field;if you leave the field blank, the report selects all subscriptionsirrespective of the sales office.
              • Carrier route

              • In this field, you can restrict the subscription evaluation to onecarrier route; if you leave the field blank, all subscriptions areprocessed irrespective of the carrier route.
                • Geographical hierarchy variant

                • If you want to select according to a geographical unit (see below), youmust specify a geographical hierarchy variant containing the desiredunit. (For further information on the geographical hierarchy variant,please see the field documentation.)
                  • Geographical unit

                  • This field can be used to restrict evaluation to one geographical unit;if you leave the field blank, the report processes all subscriptionsirrespective of the geographical unit.
                    • Normal delivery country

                    • In this field, you can restrict the evaluation to the country to whichthe deliveries are normally made (for example, in the case ofredirections to foreign countries, this is the country in the 'standardorder item'); if you leave these fields blank, the report processes allsubscriptions regardless of the country.
                      • Publication

                      • Subscriptions to the publications specified here are included in theevaluation; if you leave these fields blank, the report evaluatessubscriptions to all publications.
                        • Edition

                        • The report only evaluates subscriptions to the editions specified here;if you leave these fields blank, the evaluation is for subscriptions toall editions.
                          • Edition report grouping 1 and edition report grouping 2

                          • In these fields, you can restrict the evaluation to subscriptions toeditions that belong to certain report groupings; if you leave thesefields blank, no restrictions are made.
                            • Service type

                            • Here, you can restrict the evaluation to subscriptions with certainservice types.
                              • Sales source

                              • Here, you can restrict evaluation to subscriptions with certain salessources.
                                • Sales promotion

                                • Here, you can restrict evaluation to subscriptions with certain salespromotions.
                                  • Country for payment method and payment method

                                  • Here, you can restrict evaluation to subscriptions with certain paymentmethods.
                                    Please note that if you specify a payment method you must also specifya country since selection is otherwise ambiguous.
                                    • Include reversed orders / include if delivered / ignore

                                    • These checkboxes allow you to control how the report handles reversedorders (for which deliveries may have been made up to the point ofreversal).
                                      • Include backdated orders

                                      • If you select this parameter, backdated subscription orders areincluded from their initial validity date (or more precisely, beforethe regular start of delivery).
                                        • Include orders where delivery not viable

                                        • If you select this parameter, the statistics include subscriptionorders for which delivery was not viable at the time of analysis.
                                          • Order number (for test)

                                          • You can restrict selection to individual orders for test purposes. Ifyou select individual orders or only a few orders in these fields, youcan also run the statistics in dialog processing.

                                            Output control

                                            • Summarization levels

                                            • The report makes a page break for the following summarization levels ifyou select them:
                                              Edition report group 1
                                              Edition report group 2
                                              This means, for example, if you select the summarization level'Publication', the report creates a list indicating the publication inthe page header and expands the list according to drilldown criteria(see below), summarized by all the editions of the publication. Thesame applies to the other possible summarization levels. You can selectmore than one summarization level.
                                              • Drilldown levels (key columns)

                                              • In this block, you define the characteristics according to which thelist is to be expanded. The list can be expanded on one page by thefollowing columns:
                                                Sales source
                                                Sales promotion
                                                Payment method
                                                However, the list always begins with a column for the sales office.
                                                • Item types to be listed

                                                • In this block, you determine the item types for which the livesubscriptions are to be listed. You can choose between the followingbasic item types:
                                                  Standard item
                                                  Trial item with automatic transformation to chargeable
                                                  Trial item without automatic transformation to chargeable
                                                  Free item with automatic transformation to chargeable
                                                  Free item without automatic transformation to chargeable
                                                  (The two latter item types are displayed as a total in a 'Trial items'column)
                                                  Free item
                                                  You can either choose individual item types or all three.
                                                  • Include weighted partial subscriptions

                                                  • This checkbox allows you to control whether partial subscriptions (suchas Saturday subscriptions) are counted according to the partialsubscription weighting specified in the mix offers for the edition orwhether the purchase quantities for partial subscriptions are to becounted in full.

                                                    The evaluation can only be performed successfully if master data andtransaction data are maintained fully.
                                                    For example, if partial subscriptions are to be weighted, a partialsubscription weighting must be recorded in the mix offers for theeditions. Missing entries are displayed in an error list at the end ofthe program.

                                                    The report creates a list for each selected summarization level withpage breaks for the values for each summarization level. This meansthere can be a maximum of 4 sublists containing the following columns:

                                                    Characteristic / key columns

                                                    • Sales office

                                                    • The sales office recorded in the order items.
                                                      • Sales source

                                                      • The sales source from the promotional data on the orders (according tothe original item) is displayed according to the drilldown criteriaspecified.
                                                        • Sales promotion

                                                        • The sales promotion from the promotional data on the orders (accordingto the original item) is displayed according to the drilldown criteriaspecified.
                                                          • Country/payment method

                                                          • The payment method and appropriate country key (taken from the companycode for the sales organization) according to the orders evaluated arelisted according to the drilldown criteria specified.

                                                            Key figure columns
                                                            The order quantities (purchase quantities) are listed in the key figurecolumns according to the item types. These columns are as follows:

                                                            • Standard items

                                                            • Orders on hand on key date 1
                                                              Orders on hand on key date 2
                                                              Absolute changes (difference between key date 1 and 2)
                                                              Percentage changes (difference between day 1 and 2 / on hand, day 1)
                                                              • Trial items

                                                              • Orders on hand on key date 1
                                                                Orders on hand on key date 2
                                                                Absolute changes (difference between key date 1 and 2)
                                                                Percentage changes (difference between day 1 and 2 / on hand, day 1)
                                                                • Free items

                                                                • Orders on hand on key date 1
                                                                  Orders on hand on key date 2
                                                                  Absolute changes (difference between key date 1 and 2)
                                                                  Percentage changes (difference between day 1 and 2 / on hand, day 1)
                                                                  The orders on hand are always gross values, i.e. suspensions andlimited changes such as redirections are not included.
                                                                  If errors are identified during processing, the report displays anerror list at the end.

                                                                  Please note

                                                                  • It is not possible to select by carrier routes and geographical units
                                                                  • at the same time.
                                                                    • If you select a carrier route or geographical unit, limited item types
                                                                    • such as suspension, redirection, gift or charitable transfer are alwaysassigned to the carrier route or geographical unit for the item theyare based on.
                                                                      • Free items do not have a payment method and are therefore listed with
                                                                      • the accompanying changes in a line where the payment method is blank.