SAP Programs

Program Text
RJHAEG02 IS-M/AM: Ad Items by Date Type
RJHAGAP IS-M/AM: Display Sales Agent Determination Log
RJHAGVX1 IS-M/AM: Test Sales Agent Settlement Index JHAGVX
RJHAGVX_CREATE IS-M/AM: Restructure Sales Agent Settlement Index (JHAGVX)
RJHAGVX_MAINTAIN IS-M/AM: Maintain Sales Agent Settlement Index
RJHALI01 IS-M/AM: Ad Items List / Schedule Lines
RJHALI02 IS-M/AM: Business Partner Orders
RJHAORDER_CHANGE IS-M/AM: Access Change Order Transaction New or Old Interface
RJHAORDER_CREATE IS-M/AM: Access Create Order Transaction New or Old Interface
RJHAORDER_DISPLAY IS-M/AM: Access Display Order Transaction New or Old Interface
RJHAORDER_OBJ_SHOW IS-M: Change Order Object
RJHAPLZI IS-M/AM: Access Positioning System for Information
RJHAU101 IS-M/AM: Print Program for Order Confirmation
RJHAU102 IS-M: Print Program for Voucher Copy Recipient Addresses
RJHAU201 IS-M/AM: Print Report for Order Confirmation with Prices
RJHAUFAK IS-M/AM: Asynchronous Update of Order Data
RJHAVM_ACTUALIZE IS-M/AM: Perform Order Update
RJHAVM_REGENERATE IS-M/AM: Generate New Order Items
RJHBE001 IS-M: Display/Change Booking Unit Hierarchy
RJHBE002 IS-M: Display Booking Unit Hierarchy
RJHBE003 IS-M: Change Booking Unit Hierarchy
RJHBEDP1 IS-M/AM: Ad Insert Planning
RJHBEDP2 IS-M/AM: Commercial Planning
RJHBEDP3 IS-M/AM: Fixed Spaces Planning
RJHBEDP4 IS-M/AM: Local Windows Planning
RJHBEDP5 IS-M: Online Planning
RJHBELF1 IS-M/AM: Restructure Document Flow (Table JHTBF)
RJHBEMG1 IS-M: Comparison of M/AM Planned Figures with M/SD Figures
RJHBEMG_AVM IS-M: Compare M/AM Order Quantity - M/SD Delivery Quantities
RJHBEMG_MD Comparison of M/AM Plan.Circ.Qties - M/SD Del.Qties/Plan.Circ.Qties
RJHBEZKO Check List: Assignments Reasons - Condition Refs - Condition Types
RJHBO_INPUT_CONVERSION_GEN Generate Func.Module for Type-Related Conversion of an Input Structure
RJHBO_MAP2I2MAP2E Generate MAP2E Module for MAP2I Module
RJHBO_OUTPUT_CONVERSION_GEN Generate Func.Module for Type-Related Conversion of an Output Str.
RJHBO_TEXTS_FILL_GEN Generate Text Read Module for BAPI Structure
RJHBUSISM008_BAPI_CREATE_TEST IS-M/AM: DX Workbench: Generate Test Data for AdMGMTSO.Create
RJHBUSISM008_BAPI_TEST IS-M/AM: Test Create/Change Order BAPI
RJHCASK1 IS-M/AM: Print Sales Activity
RJHCASM1 IS-M/AM: Print Mailing
RJHCASM2 IS-M/AM: Print Letter Sales Activity
RJHCCARD_AUT_01 IS-M/AM: Payment Cards: Authorization in Batch/Dialog
RJHCHKAR IS-M: Report for Changing Condition Types in Condition Tables
RJHCLZAP IS-M/AM: Classify IS-M Contact Person
RJHCM_INVOICE_UPDATE IS-M/AM: Credit Management: Structure Credit Data for Billing Docs
RJHCM_ORDER_RECHECK IS-M/AM: Credit Management: Perform Credit Check for Orders
RJHCM_ORDER_UPDATE IS-M/AM: Credit Management: Structure Credit Data for Orders
RJHCNTENT IS-M: Number of Entries MiniApp
RJHCNTENT_REP_CALL IS-M/AM: Access Report from Number of Entries MiniApp
RJHCOAMGSEL Select Contracts for Combination
RJHCUSTENV_CRMACTIV_TOGGLE IS-M: Show/Hide CRM Business Activity Selection in Data Environment
RJHDPEXP IS-M/AM: Export Broadcast Plan to Commercial Planning
RJHDVWVL IS-M: Ad Spec Masters With a Reminder Date that has Expired
RJHDVWVL_GRID IS-M: Ad Spec Masters with a Reminder Date that has Expired
RJHEF001 Print Sales Volume Proof for Media Partnerships
RJHEF002 Restructure Billing Index for Partner Settlement (Table VBOX)
RJHEOANZ IS-M: Display Revenue Object Documents
RJHEOB_FOR_GA_ACTUALIZE IS-M/AM: Update Revenue Object Documents (Order-Related)
RJHFAEUF IS-M/AM: Individual Transfer of Debit Billing Documents in Dialog
RJHFAKDI IS-M/AM: Billing in Dialog
RJHFAKT IS-M/AM: Collective Billing Run
RJHFAR2A IS-M/AM: Billing - Individual Transfer to Accounting
RJHFASTO IS-M/AM: Reversal in Dialog for Billing on Debit Side
RJHFBUJO IS-M/AM: Posting Journal
RJHFCC01 Copy: Booking Units
RJHFCC02 Copy: Advertisers
RJHFCC03 Copy: Content Components
RJHFCC04 Copy: Basic Booking Units
RJHFCC05 Copy: Combined Booking Unit
RJHFCC06 Copy: Date Combination
RJHFCC07 Copy: Issue Variant Type
RJHFCC08 Copy: Edition
RJHFCC09 Copy: Publication
RJHFCC10 Copy: Sales Agent Contract
RJHFCC11 Copy: Commission Key
RJHFCC12 Copy: Service
RJHFCH01 Auxiliary Program for Searching for Billing Documents Without KONV
RJHFCKOS IS-M: Maintain Condition Tables for Acct Det. (Copy from RV61CKOS)
RJHFECH1 Utility Revenue Distribution Check Report, Conditions Customizing
RJHFECH2 IS-M: Utility Revenue Distribution Check Report, Total Rev.Dist.Values
RJHFECH3 Utility Rev.Dist.: Where-Used List for Order Bill.Rev.Dist.Coll.Proc
RJHFECH4 Rev.Distribution: Analyze G/L Transfer Postings for Docs Involved
RJHFECH5 Revenue Distribution (New): Analyze Revenue Object Document
RJHFECH_EXEC Analyze Revenue Object Document
RJHFEFAB IS-M/AM: Receivables Charge-Off (Dialog)
RJHFEP02 IS-M: Create Media Partnership
RJHFER2A IS-M/AM: Individual Billing Document Release for FI/HR (via List)
RJHFERL IS-M/AM: Revenue Distribution
RJHFESTO IS-M: Reversal of Individual Billing Document (via Billing List)
RJHFEUF1 IS-M/AM: Release Billing Documents to Financial Accounting or HR)
RJHFILTR Template for Creating Filter Reports in Classification System (Search)
RJHFKCOP IS-M/AM: Copy Pricing Procedure and Cond.Types Between Applications
RJHFOFUL IS-M/AM: Coll.Processing Billing Docs which have not been Transferred
RJHFPADI IS-M/AM: Create Sales Agent Settlement
RJHFPEUF IS-M/AM: Individual Transfer of Credit Billing Documents in Dialog
RJHFPR2A IS-M/AM: Agent Settlement - Individual Transfer (FI /HR)
RJHFPRAB IS-M/AM: Collective Sales Agent Settlement Run
RJHFPSTO IS-M/AM: Reversal in Dialog for Billing on Debit Side
RJHFRAJO IS-M/AM: Billing Documents Overview
Lines 29401 to 29500 of 57103 entries
1 293 294 295 296 297 572