SAP Program RJI_CB_CAT_SDORDER - IS-M: Define Audit Report Categories for Orders

Audit Report Categorization for Orders in Single Copy Processing

You can use this program to categorize audit reports for orders insingle copy processing.

Features / activities
The program reads the order items according to the selection criteriaspecified. It takes all order items that have not yet been categorizedin the selection area into account. The overwrite run alsorecategorizes order items for which the category has not yet beenupdated to the circulation book.
The category is determined according to the audit report type assignedto the media product in the order item. A function module for categorydetermination for single copy orders is recorded for the audit reporttype in the Customizing step 'Maintenance of Audit Report Types'. Thisprogram calls the function module dynamically to determine thecategory.

You must specify a delivery period in the selection data. The programthen selects all order items with a requested delivery date that is inthis period. If you leave the from-date of the delivery period blank,the program processes all order items with a delivery date before theto-date.
Further selection criteria include the order type. If you do notspecify a sales document type, the program only selects ordersbelonging to an sales document type that is relevant according to theCustomizing settings for category determination (category determinationis based on the sales document type, among other factors).

Control Options on the Selection Screen:

  • Test run: If this indicator is selected, no database updates are
  • performed and the program simply creates a log.
    • Display log: This indicator determines whether or not a log is to be
    • displayed when processing is completed. You can call up the log at anytime using transaction SLG1.
      • Detailed log: Select this indicator if you want the log to contain the
      • results of successful categorization as well as errors. If you do this,an entry is generated in the log for each categorized order item.
        • Overwrite run: As mentioned above, the overwrite run allows you to
        • repeat categorization for order items for which it has already takenplace. However, this is only possible if the item or the relateddelivery has not yet been updated to the circulation auditing book.

          If applicable, the program displays a log containing information on theresults of the categorization run - in particular, information onerrors that occurred.