SAP Program RJIMLD30 - IVW Audit Report (Magazine Form)

This report provides the data for the audit report and formats itaccording to the layout requirements in the form 'Circulation AuditReport for Consumer Magazines, Specialist Journals and Freesheets'. Indoing this, the report calculates the circulation audit averages for aselected period. The report can be used to determine the figures for anaudit report or when performing an internal evaluation (see also theparameter 'Live IVW report run').
You can restrict selection according to the following criteria:

  • Audit period (corresponds to shipping/return period; exception see
  • below)
    If making an audit report that is not for specific issues (see below),you can use the field 'Backdated deliveries only from publication date'to exclude issues published before the date specified and deliveredsubsequently during the shipping period.
    For example:
    You do not make any entries in this field. The figures then include allissues for which subsequent deliveries were made during the shippingperiod.
    You specify the date 1st April 1997. This means the figures willinclude all issues for which subsequent deliveries were made during theshipping period if they were published on or after 1st April 1997.
    You specify 31st December 9999. This means no subsequent deliveries ofissues are included in the statistics.
    SAP advises that you specify the first day in the audit quarter (auditperiod).
    • Audit report for specific issue

    • If you select this indicator, quantity determination is performed forone issue. In this case, the audit period can only last for one day andis then interpreted as the publication date of the issue for which theaudit report is being made.
      • Publication

      • Edition

      • Circulation audit number

      • Country

      • In this field, you must specify the key of the country to be viewed asthe 'domestic country' for the magazine.
        • Issue variant type

        • The issue variant type enables you to select for example only Saturdayeditions or all editions except Saturday.
          • Include issue with circulation audit exclusion

          • If you select this indicator, circulation audit data on issues in whichthe circulation audit exclusion indicator is selected is included forprocessing.
            • Ignore inserts

            • If you select this indicator, figures arising from the insertion ofissues are ignored in the evaluation.
              • Ignore combinations

              • If you select this indicator, figures arising from combination ofissues are ignored in the evaluation.
                Output can be controlled by means of the following criteria:
                • CA hierarchy type and CA hierarchy version

                • Live audit report run

                • This indicator controls a number of checks during selection and otheractivities performed by the program. The following applies if theindicator is selected:
                  The selected period must be a quarter, a month or an audit report for aspecific issue.
                  Issues excluded from circulation auditing cannot be taken into accountfor processing.
                  The hierarchy type version used must be valid throughout the entireaudit period (customizing).
                  The circulation audit hierarchy used must be active (customizing).
                  If the parameter 'Live IVW report run' is selected, the selected auditperiod is also marked as 'reported' in the data basis.
                  The result of this is that no further returned copies can be recordedfor audit dates in the period for which the audit report was made. Theperiod for which the report was made is therefore 'closed'.
                  An evaluation of reported periods can be made at any time and theresults of such evaluations can of course also be used for an auditreport. However, if you do this, please ensure that data selectiontakes place correctly.
                  • New page for edition

                  • Select this indicator to have the report make a page break for each newedition in the list.
                    • New page for circulation audit number

                    • Select this indicator to have the report make a page break for each newcirculation audit number (with the data on all issues belonging to thatnumber) in the list.
                      • Specify the circulation audit category to be used according to the form
                      • values:
                        All subscriptions
                        Multiple subscribers 25% discount
                        Retail delivery
                        Returns certificated and full-copy
                        Other sales
                        Magazine club
                        Inflight copies
                        Free copies
                        Display copies
                        Unpaid copies
                        • Total display points

                        • This figure is not managed in IS-M/SD and should be specified as aparameter for entry in the form.
                          • Number of display points abroad

                          • This figure is not managed in IS-M/SD and should be specified as aparameter for entry in the form.
                            • Text fields for specifying information on the form:

                            • EDP code
                              Publisher name (2 lines)
                              Street and postal code
                              Postal code and city
                              Telephone number
                              Address queries to

                              For data selection, you can either specify a combination ofpublications and editions or a circulation audit number. The hierarchytype and version are mandatory entries since they are required foroutput according to a circulation audit hierarchy.
                              If you perform a live IVW report run (by marking the indicator), therequirements listed above must be met.
                              It is also absolutely necessary that the 'circulation produced' for theissues for evaluation be maintained fully and correctly. The programdoes not check that this has been done.

                              The report produces the audit report form 'Circulation Audit Report forConsumer Magazines, Specialist Journals and Freesheets'.
                              It first sorts the list by editions, then by circulation audit numbers.If output is to be sorted by circulation audit number, the report thendisplays a list of all editions that are not assigned to a circulationaudit number.
                              The averages are calculated for basic circulation audit categories androunded. Summation is based on the rounded values.
                              Calculation of the circulation figures stated is based on the 'grossprint run' maintained in the relevant issues. The program does notcheck whether these figures have been maintained correctly, i.e. arehigher than the delivery quantity for the date in question. Thedifference between the draw and quantities delivered (not includingreturned copies) is assigned as calculated unpaid copies to a categorydefined for this purpose, which is included in a group category forunpaid and archive copies (non-distributed circulation).
                              Depending on the CA hierarchy set up, the following guideline applies:
                              'Distributed circulation' + 'Non-distributed circulation' + 'Returnedcopies' = 'Draw'