SAP Program RJIIVW01 - IS-M/SD: Update IVW Circulation Figures (Circ.Book Improved for Subs.)

Circulation Book Update for IVW

You can use this program to update the delivery quantities for eachshipping date in the circulation book. The program is designed solelyfor editions whose audit report type is "IVW".
You should use this program if you use the circulation book functionsfor circulation auditing, supported as of release 4.62. For furtherinformation on the circulation book in connection with IVW, see therelease note Circulation Book AlsoAvailable for IVW.
Do not use this program if you still use the previous functions fordaily IVW statistics for IVW circulation auditing.
What is the circulation book?
The circulation book is a summarized statistics table that serves as thedata basis for a variety of evaluations and circulation auditingprograms.

Features / activities
The program reads deliveries that correspond to your selection criteriaand writes the summarized delivery quantities to the circulation book(table JITCIRCBOOK).
The following deliveries are included in the update:

  • Deliveries in Media Sales and Distribution (IS-M/SD):

  • This program must be entered as the update program in the Customizingsettings for the audit report type for the edition delivered
    The shipping date of the delivery must be in the selected period (youcan only specify past dates for the shipping date in the selectioncriteria)
    The delivery should not already have been updated to the circulationbook; repeated updating of deliveries is prevented by a technical flagselected for the delivery.
    Deliveries for ad pre-print distribution and delta coverage are notincluded.
    • Special notes for deliveries in Media Sales and Distribution (IS-M/SD):

    • Records are also updated in the circulation book for the followingeditions, although you should note that categorization takes placeaccording to the audit report type of the edition purchased explicitlyin the sales order:
      Editions (of the same publication) delivered as substitutes
      Combined editions (e.g. Sunday editions)
      Inserted titles (e.g. supplements)
      • Deliveries in SD single copy processing

      • This program must be specified as the update program in the audit reporttype for the media product delivered
        The date selected on the selection screen (pick date, delivery date orgoods issue date) must be in the selected period
        The prerequisite selected on the selection screen (picking, goods issueor packaging) must have been processed
        • Returns in SD single copy processing

        • Returns are included in the update
          The selection criteria for SD deliveries also apply to selection ofreturns, with the exception of the prerequisites (picking, packaging orgoods issue). This means one of these operations must have the status '
          not fulfilled' for returns.
          An indicator (XIVWFORTS) is selected in all deliveries that are updatedto the circulation book. This indicator is also selected in deliveriesfor editions or media products that are not assigned an audit reporttype (so that these deliveries are not read and interpreted againunnecessarily by an index in a later program run).

          You must specify a period in the selection criteria for which thecirculation book data is to be updated. This period must be in the past.You can either specify it as a from-to interval or by entering a numberof lead days. If you do the latter, the system subtracts this number ofdays from the current date; the update is performed for the period from"0" to the date calculated.

          Selection criteria for deliveries in Media Sales and Distribution(IS-M/SD)

          • "Update IS-M/SD deliveries"

          • Select this indicator to update deliveries in Media Sales andDistribution.
            • "Shipping period" and "Del. to current date minus..."

            • In these fields, you specify the shipping period for the deliveries tobe processed. You must make an entry for one of these selectioncriteria.
              • "Plant", "Publication purchased", "Edition purchased"

              • These further selection criteria allow you to further restrict thedeliveries for processing. The plant also represents the printing worksthat delivers the publications. This allows you to perform parallelupdates for different editions.
                These selection criteria refer to purchased publications and editions,not to products delivered.

                Selection criteria for deliveries in single copy processing (SD)

                • "Update SD deliveries"

                • Select this checkbox if you want to update deliveries from single copyprocessing.
                  • "Period for SD sgle copy docs", "SD current date minus..." and
                  • "Type of SD sel. period"
                    The first two selection criteria allow you to specify the period forwhich the deliveries are to be processed. You use the "type" field tospecify the document date against which the period is to be checked.
                    • "Prerequisite for update"

                    • Here, you must select one operation. The selected operation must becompleted if the delivery is to be included in the update.
                      • "Media issue delivered"

                      • Here, you can restrict the deliveries for processing by specifying thematerial number of the media issue delivered. Editions are alsopossible.
                        • "Use as IVW date"

                        • Here, you can specify which operation date is valid for the time-basedassignment of the quantities delivered for IVW. This date is used as theIVW date. You must make this entry according to the processes you use inSD single copy processing.

                          Technical Control Options on the Selection Screen
                          You can use the following parameters to influence the way the program isrun:

                          • You can have the circulation book update end before completion by
                          • specifying a cancellation time and an (optional) cancellation date(specifying a time suffices). All the delivery data processed up to thistime is updated. Deliveries that were selected but not yet updated willthen be processed in a later run if they are in the selected data area.
                            Where variants are to be scheduled daily, you only need to specify acancellation time; you do not need to specify a date explicitly.
                            • You can select a checkbox to execute the program in a test run. If you
                            • select this parameter, the program simply creates a log and does notmake any changes to the database.

                              Deliveries must exist in the selected period for editions or mediaissues whose audit report type corresponds to this report (Customizingsettings for audit report type).
                              The orders on which the deliveries are based must be categorizedaccording to the audit report type (correct settings for basic categorydetermination before order entry). Categorization takes place asfollows:

                              • In Media Sales and Distribution, orders are categorized during order
                              • processing if basic category determination is maintained (Customizing).
                                • In SD single copy processing, categorization is performed by the
                                • background report RJI_CB_CAT_SDORDER (or transaction code JISDSCSDORD).You can postedit the settings manually using transaction JISDCIRCCAT.
                                  You must not execute any functions that change deliveries in parallel tothe circulation book update. These functions are:
                                  • Return processing

                                  • Netchange for quantity planning

                                  • Regenerative planning for quantity planning

                                  • Delivery processing

                                  • Shipping preparation for insertion / distribution / delta coverage

                                  • Other update programs (LIS or circulation book) for a selection area
                                  • that overlaps with that specified here.

                                    Individual records generated or changed are not listed in thecirculation book. Instead, the program outputs a general log of theactivities performed during the update, containing information on

                                    • Selection criteria

                                    • Number of deliveries processed

                                    • Number of changed or new circulation book records

                                    • Start and end times of program

                                    • The log also contains information on any problems and inconsistenciesidentified during the update.
                                      The log is stored physically on the database as a general applicationlog. This means you can display the log at any later time. Thecirculation book contains tools that you can use to do this.