SAP Program RJIEAB20 - Circulation and Revenue Accrual by Issue

This report creates a statement that customers have been billed for thequantities reported to the circulation audit organization. This is doneby comparing reported quantities and billed quantities and amounts.
The program accrues the amounts in a billing document to the issues ofthe editions purchased that are published in the billing period.

  • If the FI/CO interface is active (available for activation from 4.02):

  • Billing amounts are accrued in accordance with the FI/CO interface ifit was active when the billing documents were transferred or thebilling document was not yet transferred.
    • For all other billing documents or if FI/CO interface is not active:

    • Revenue distribution is accrued equally to all issues billed in theperiod in accordance with the issue accrual procedure in FinancialAccounting. Rounding differences are posted to the first billed issue.

      The list output can be controlled by entries on the selection screen.You can make explosure of key figures in the basic list dependent on avariety of characteristics in key columns in the list. You also outsortwhich key figures are to be displayed on the selection screen. For moreinformation, please see the section 'Selection screen'.
      The program creates lists in the following order:

      • Basic list

      • Output is summarized for a publication date for each issue of for allissues of a publication (this is controlled by the parameter 'Cumulateoutput by editions'). Layout, sorting and subtotals in the basic listtake place according to the control settings for characteristic and keyfigure columns. There is no interpretation of the circulation audithierarchy here for technical reasons. The basic list pages are sortedby publication, edition and publication date.
        • Detailed totals list for circulation audit hierarchy

        • This totals list is printed (after the page break) after the basic listfor the same columns if the parameter 'Detailed totals list for CAhier.' is selected. In this case, totals are not formed usingcharacteristics columns but the report simply forms totals according tothe circulation audit hierarchy.
          • Summarized totals list for circulation audit hierarchy

          • This totals list is printed (after the page break) after the detailedtotals list if the parameter 'Summarize totals list for CA hier.' isselected. The only characteristic column in this list is thecirculation audit category displaying the hierarchy level for therelevant category.
            • Totals list for publication

            • This totals list is created each time a control break takes place for apublication as a total of all selected editions and issues. The layout,sorting and subtotals correspond to the basic list.

              The program can only be run successfully if the billing data is definedin the System and circulation audit update has taken place.
              For this reason, circulation audit quantities can only be compared withbilling key figures for the past.

              Entries on selection screen, 'Data selection' block
              In this block, you define which billing data or circulation audit datais to be taken into account in the evaluation run. This data can be asfollows:

              • Publication, edition, circulation audit number of edition, edition
              • report group 1, edition report group 2
                This enables you to select editions for which billing documents,billing document items and circulation audit data are to be taken intoaccount. You must make the following entries:
                Either publication(s)
                or 1 publication and edition(s)
                or circulation audit number(s)
                or edition report group 1
                or edition report group 2
                • Publication date, issue number/year

                • This enables you to specify the issue of the editions selected abovethat are to be taken into account in the evaluation. You must specifyone of the above on the selection screen.
                  • Circulation audit country

                  • This field allows you to restrict the evaluation to one or morecountries. This data selection refers to the country supplied asstandard.
                    • Billing item classification

                    • In this field, you can select the billing item according to itsclassification. For more information on this classification, please seethe section 'Inclusion of special billing documents in circulationaudit revenue accrual' below.
                      • Ignore inserts

                      • Inserted quantities of selected issues are not included in the columnfor circulation audit quantities if this parameter is selected.
                        • Ignore combinations

                        • If you select this parameter, combined quantities of selected issuesare not included in the column for circulation audit quantities.
                          • Only transferred billing documents

                          • This field allows you to specify that only transferred billingdocuments are taken into account. This parameter has no effect on theevaluation of the circulation audit quantities.
                            • Restriction to transfer number

                            • You can restrict the evaluation by specifying transfer number(s)explicitly. You must still specify the editions and the period asabove.
                              Selection of individual transfers is useful, for example, when checkingevaluation results.
                              • Restriction to billing number

                              • Evaluation can also be restricted by specifying billing documentnumbers explicitly. Here too, you must still specify the editions andthe period.
                                This is useful when testing individual billing documents.

                                Entries on the selection screen, 'Output control' block
                                This block allows you to control the layout, sorting and summation inthe basic lists and the output of totals lists. You can make thefollowing settings:

                                • CA hierarchy type / version

                                • Here, you specify the hierarchy that is to be used in the circulationaudit hierarchy totals lists.
                                  This entry will affect data selection. Basic circulation auditcategories from billing documents that are not in the specified CAhierarchy will not be included in the evaluation.
                                  • Condition types for surcharges/discounts 1 to 8

                                  • In this field, you determine which condition types are to be includedin the relevant column for surcharges/discounts. Specific conditiontypes can be assigned to 8 different columns.
                                    • Cumulate output by editions

                                    • If this parameter is not selected, the report displays basic list pagesfor each issue. If you select the parameter, the basic list pages aresummarized for all editions for a publication and publication date.
                                      • Publication totals list for all editions/issues

                                      • If you select this parameter, the report creates a totals list for allissues of a publication each time the publication changes (see the'Output' section above).
                                        • Detailed totals list for CA hierarchy

                                        • (See 'Output' section above.)
                                          • Summarized totals list for CA hierarchy

                                          • (See 'Output' section above.)
                                            • Block 'List control for characteristic columns (key columns)'

                                            • This block allows you to control output of all the possible key columnsin the basic list.
                                              In the 'Output' column, you specify whether or not the field is to bedisplayed in the list.
                                              Under 'Column no.', you specify the list column in which thecharacteristic is to be displayed; this should be a sequential numberbeginning with '1'.
                                              Under 'Sort sequence', you determine how the basic list is to besorted. You also specify a sequence, determining which field is to besorted first, which second and so on.
                                              In the column 'Create total', you determine whether or not a subtotalis to be displayed in the basic list when a control break takes placefor the characteristic. Note: Summation is not usually necessary forthe field with the highest sort level number (the field used last forsorting), since this is usually the 'elementary line' level in thelist.
                                              • Block 'List control for key figure columns'

                                              • This block allows you to control the output of all possible key figurecolumns in the basic list.
                                                Under 'Display', you specify whether or not the key figure is to bedisplayed in the list.
                                                Under 'In column', you specify the list column in which thecharacteristic is to be displayed. The columns are numberedsequentially beginning with 1 (1,2,3,...), and you must take account ofthe characteristic columns ('key columns') in the list when assigningthe column number.
                                                Under 'Suppress 0', you specify whether or not quantities and amountsof zero are to be displayed.
                                                In the column 'Column header', you can specify column headers of up to18 characters for the maximum of 8 surcharge/discount columns in thelist, which are then displayed in the list. The text indicates the mean
                                                ing of the surcharge/bonus column.
                                                In the parameter 'Cond.types for surch./disc.3', you list all thecondition types used in billing of shipping cost shares. In the 'Listcontrol for key figure columns' block, you select the 'Display' columnfor 'Surch./discts 3', specify a column number and the column headertext 'Shippg cost surch.'.
                                                This means that the list now contains a column with the specifiedheader and containing the billed shipping cost surcharges.
                                                When working in this way, condition types can be repeated insurcharge/discount columns. For example, column 1 contains allsurcharges, 2 contains shipping costs, 3 contains all discounts, 4contains special discounts etc.
                                                If you do not select the circulation audit delivery quantity under'List control for key figure columns' (CA delivery quantities are notto be listed), the report does not read this data or display linescontaining delivery quantities. You might want to work in this way ifyou only want to list the amounts in a billing document.

                                                Origin of characteristics and key figures in list
                                                The origin of the characteristics and key figures in the list or theway in which they are determined is described below. A distinction mustbe made between characteristics used to specify circulation auditquantities or billing key figures.

                                                The circulation audit statistics database which is mentioned repeatedlyin the following documentation is the table 'Daily CA Statistics',which is used as a data basis principally for circulation audit reportsand circulation evaluations. Due to summarization, circulation auditquantities are not available on each detail level.

                                                • Circulation audit category

                                                • Circulation audit quantities: The CA category of the purchase agreementis copied to the statistics database (Daily CA Statistics) duringcirculation audit updating and then used for evaluation.
                                                  Billing key figures: The circulation audit category is copied into thebilling document from the purchase agreement (as of Release 3.0) andthen used in this evaluation.
                                                  • Indicator 'Assignable sales volume'

                                                  • Circulation audit quantities: In this case, the indicator is always 'Y'(assignable) since this cannot be determined for audit quantities fromthe statistics database.
                                                    Billing key figures: The entry for the indicator is determined for eachbilling document and assigned issue; the accrual date is that from thetransfer or if transfer has not yet taken place, the 'Billing from'date for advance billing, the 'Billing to' date for retroactive billingor the creation date for billing within the billing period. If thepublication date of the issue is before the accrual date, the billingkey figures are classed as not assignable (value 'N') and otherwise asassignable ('Y').
                                                    • Billing frequency

                                                    • Circulation audit quantities: Blank since audit quantities cannot beassigned to a billing period unit.
                                                      Billing key figures: The billing frequency from the purchase agreementis copied into the billing document and then used in this evaluation.
                                                      • Price frequency

                                                      • Circulation audit quantities: Blank since audit quantities cannot beassigned to a price period unit.
                                                        Billing key figures: The billing frequency from the purchase agreementis copied into the billing document and then used in this evaluation.
                                                        • Customer price group

                                                        • Circulation audit quantities: Blank since audit quantities cannot beassigned to a customer price group.
                                                          Billing key figures: The customer price group from the purchaseagreement is copied into the billing document and then used in thisevaluation.
                                                          • Condition type for purchase price and purchase price

                                                          • Circulation audit quantities: Blank since audit quantities cannot beassigned to a purchase price.
                                                            Billing key figures: Determined from the condition data in the billingdocument. The condition type is the only one to have the conditionclass Price ('B'). The purchase price itself is in the (condition)'Amount' column for the condition data.
                                                            • Tax on sales/purchases code

                                                            • Circulation audit quantities: Blank since audit quantities cannot beassigned to a tax on sales/purchases code.
                                                              Billing key figures: Determined from the condition data in the billingdocument. The tax code used for this is copied from the condition typewith the condition class 'Tax' ('D').
                                                              • Customer group

                                                              • Circulation audit quantities: Since deliveries are specific to customergroups, the appropriate customer group (for the sold-to party) iscopied here.
                                                                Billing key figures: The customer group is copied into the billing itemduring billing and is then used in this evaluation.
                                                                • Sales organization and distribution channel

                                                                • Circulation audit quantities: The sales organization and distributionchannel from the order data are copied to the shipping data and fromthere used for the circulation audit quantities.
                                                                  Billing key figures: The sales organization and the distributionchannel from the billing document header data are used for theevaluation.
                                                                  • Payment method

                                                                  • Circulation audit quantities: Blaank since audit quantities cannot beassigned to a payment method.
                                                                    Billing key figures: The payment method is copied from the sales orderto the billing document header during billing and then used in thisevaluation.
                                                                    • Internal item type

                                                                    • Circulation audit quantities: Blank since audit quantities cannot beassigned to an item type.
                                                                      Billing key figures: The internal item type in the sales document iscopied into the billing item during billing and then used in thisevaluation.
                                                                      • Standard delivery country ('CA country')

                                                                      • Circulation audit quantities: The 'standard delivery country' definedin the sales order is copied as the 'circulation audit country' intothe statistics database and then used for this evaluation.
                                                                        Billing key figures: The 'standard delivery country' from the salesorder is copied into the billing document item during billing and thenused in this evaluation.
                                                                        • Order delivery type

                                                                        • Circulation audit quantities: The order delivery type defined in thesales order is copied to the statistics database and used here.
                                                                          Billing key figures: The order delivery type is copied into the billingdocument item during billing and then used in this evaluation.
                                                                          • Billing item classification

                                                                          • See below in the section 'Inclusion of special billing documents incirculation audit revenue accrual'.
                                                                            • Document currency

                                                                            • Circulation audit quantities: Hard currency of appropriate CA country.
                                                                              Billing key figures: Billing document currency.
                                                                              • Purchase price currency

                                                                              • Currency in which the purchase price on which the billing document isbased (see above) is recorded. The base price is also recorded in thepurchase price currency.
                                                                                • Sales unit

                                                                                • The sales unit defined in customizing.

                                                                                  Key figures

                                                                                  • CA delivery quantity

                                                                                  • The CA delivery quantity is copied from the daily circulation auditstatistics and thus corresponds to the circulation audit quantitieswith reference to a publication date. This information is taken from asummarized statistics table and is therefore not available at everylevel of detail.
                                                                                    • Billed quantity

                                                                                    • Copied from the billing item (negative for retroactive billing).
                                                                                      • Surcharges/discounts 1 to 8

                                                                                      • Total of all condition data on the billing item (field 'Conditionvalue') belonging to a condition type that was classified as asurcharge/discount on the selection screen (see above).
                                                                                        • Net sales volume

                                                                                        • The net value from the billing item (e.g. can be seen on the conditionscreen).
                                                                                          • Gross sales volume

                                                                                          • The gross value from the billing item.
                                                                                            • VAT

                                                                                            • Difference 'gross minus net'.
                                                                                              • Basic price

                                                                                              • Purchase price multiplied by the billing quantity, displayed in thecurrency of the purchase price.
                                                                                                • Average net sales volume

                                                                                                • Quotient 'net divided by billed quantity'. For technical reasons, thiskey figure can only be displayed in single lines and not in summarizedlines.
                                                                                                  • Average gross sales volume

                                                                                                  • Quotient 'gross divided by billed quantity'. For technical reasons,this key figure can only be displayed in single lines and not insummarized lines.

                                                                                                    Details on the program

                                                                                                    Inclusion of 'special' billing documents in circulation audit revenueaccrual
                                                                                                    A special logic has been implemented for some 'special' categories ofbilling items. In some cases, processing takes account of plus or minussigns, a special circulation audit category is determined for returnedcopies, and in other cases differentiation takes place using a columncharacteristic defined for this purpose, the 'billing category'. Thespecial cases are described below:

                                                                                                    • Billing documents for subscriptions in the 'warm-up phase'

                                                                                                    • These do not receive any particular attributes in the billing category.They are classed as standard billing documents (NORM) likesubscriptions that are running out or have been terminated. When datais being analyzed issue by issue, there are no special features thatapply to quantities.
                                                                                                      • Billing documents for terminated subscriptions that have been billed in
                                                                                                      • advance
                                                                                                        The System contains 2 billing documents for this scenario:
                                                                                                        Billing document created in advance for a full billing period
                                                                                                        This billing document cannot be distinguished technically from a'standard' billing document and is classified and processed as a'standard' billing document (NORM).
                                                                                                        Billing document for recalculation of period charged in advance butthen not purchased
                                                                                                        To neutralize the charge made, this billing document is used to make acorresponding (negative) adjustment charge in revenue accrual. It wouldbe possible to categorize this billing document accordingly but thisdoes not take case because of the adjustment charge (NORM).
                                                                                                        • Billing documents for subscriptions that are running out that have not
                                                                                                        • been billed in advance
                                                                                                          These are not processed in any special way. They are processed like a'standard' billing document created on the basis of delivered issues(NORM).
                                                                                                          • Billing documents for unlimited changes

                                                                                                          • A maximum of 3 billing documents can be created for these orderscenarios:
                                                                                                            'Standard' billing document for a full billing period in advance
                                                                                                            In the same way as described for terminated orders, it is nottechnically possible to make distinguish this billing document from a'standard' one, so that it is classified as a 'standard' billing doc
                                                                                                            ument (NORM) and processed accordingly.
                                                                                                            Billing document for recalculation of a period charged in advance andchanged after charging
                                                                                                            To neutralize this charge, this billing document makes an appropriate(negative) adjustment charge in revenue accrual. It would be possibleto categorize this billing document but this is not done due to theadjustment charge (NORM).
                                                                                                            New charge according to new order item
                                                                                                            The billing item cannot be identified as a new charge. It is classifiedas a 'standard' billing document and balanced to circulation auditrevenue accrual accordingly (NORM).
                                                                                                            • Billing documents for returned copies

                                                                                                            • Listed separately by means of the appropriate circulation auditcategory; negative returns are included with a minus sign. This billingdocument category has its own value (REMI).
                                                                                                              • Billing documents for complaints

                                                                                                              • These are assigned an appropriate attribute in the billing category(REKL). If the billing category is displayed as a column, complaintsare displayed in separate output lines. Amounts and quantities arebalanced as 'planned values'.
                                                                                                                • Billing documents for suspensions and partial suspensions

                                                                                                                • These are assigned an appropriate attribute in the billing category(UNTB). If the billing category is displayed as a column, (partial)suspensions are displayed in separate output lines. Amounts andquantities are balanced as 'planned values'.
                                                                                                                  • Billing documents for redirections

                                                                                                                  • These are assigned an appropriate attribute in the billing category(REIS). If the billing category is displayed as a column, redirectionbilling documents are displayed in separate output lines.
                                                                                                                    • Reversed billing documents and reversal billing documents

                                                                                                                    • Billing documents that are reversed and the accompanying reversalbilling documents cancel each other out. They are therefore notassigned any special classification (NORM).
                                                                                                                      However, since it is possible to select individual transfers (primarilyfor testing purposes), these billing documents are included inprocessing so that the amounts can be compared. (For example, 1transfer contains 1 billing document X with $10 and 1 reversed billingdocument Y with $3. The reversal for this was transferred separately.The balance for the transfer is 10 + 3 = 13. If the reversed billingdocument was not taken into account, the balance calculated would be$10, which is not the correct total for the transfer.)
                                                                                                                      In some cases, the inclusion of reversal billing documents and reversedbilling documents can lead to lines containing zeros due to balancing.
                                                                                                                      • CA delivery quantities and the billing category

                                                                                                                      • Delivery quantities are not available at the same level of detail asbilling document amounts. The CA delivery quantities are assigned thebilling category LFMG so that they can be separated from the billingamounts at the highest level of detail.
                                                                                                                        • Suspensions

                                                                                                                        • If a suspension is created and the copies involved are deliveredsubsequently, this may result in a difference between the quantitiesbilled and those reported to the IVW if subsequent delivery takes placeoutside the billing period.
                                                                                                                          Example: billing period 08/2000 - 07/2001; suspension: copies 5 and 6.Subsequent delivery on 08/05/2001.
                                                                                                                          In this case, the program does not find any billing documents for thedeliveries.
                                                                                                                          • Issue move

                                                                                                                          • A move of publication date can have the same effect as a suspension. Inthis case, the publication date is outside the billing period.