SAP Program RJICBL10 - IS-M/SD: Overview List for Circulation Book

This program creates a list of circulation figures for a specifiedshipping/return period, publication period and copy number interval.The circulation figures are taken from the circulation book (tableJITCIRCBOOK).

Selection options:

  • Delivery/return period

  • Publication period

  • Copy number interval

  • You must specify at least one of the above.
    • Publication delivered

    • Edition delivered

    • Audit report ID of edition delivered

    • We recommend that you specify a restriction for at least one of theselatter three criteria.
      • Audit report category

      • Sales document type
      • Output control options

        • Time specifications

        • List individual days
          If you select this option, you can evaluate the circulation figures foreach publication date, copy number and/or shipping date.
          List averages
          If you select this option, the data on individual days is removed fromthe list and it instead displays averages of all selected issues orperiods. The next parameter is closely linked to this option:
          No.publ.dates in page header
          If averages are listed, you can select this parameter to have thenumber of issues in the selection area displayed in the page header foreach edition.
          • List variant

          • You can specify a list variant to use a predefined layout for the list.List variants can be changed interactively after the list has beenoutput and can be saved for reuse (see also the 'Output' section).

            This evaluation can only be performed for editions that are updated inthe circulation book (technical table JITCIRCBOOK). In the standardsystem, this only applies to editions with audit report type ABC (03).These editions are only updated to the circulation book when thedelivery procedures are completed, i.e. for deliveries in the past;this means circulation figures can only be evaluated in the past.

            The list is displayed using the general tool 'ABAP List Viewer'. Forfurther information on how to use the ABAP List Viewer, see see 'ABAPList Viewer' in the chapter 'General Application Functions' of theonline documentation on 'CA - Cross-Application Components'.
            You can determine the layout of the list on the selection screen usinga parameter ('List variant'). You can also change the list layoutinteractively after output under Settings in the menu bar. Alayout changed in this way can be saved as a variant and reused laterwhen the program is run again.
            You can use all the fields in the circulation book to create variants.A long text or description text is provided for various fields. Thesetext fields can be found in the field selection list directly after thecorresponding characteristic field from the circulation book.