SAP Program RJHXPRAO - IS-M/AM: Copy Contract Business Partner to JHTVGPZ

As of Release 4.02, all business partner assignments for a contract arefound in table JHTVGPZ. Previous tables for agencies responsible, salesagents and beneficiaries are now obsolete.
This program fills table JHTVGPZ with the business partner assignmentsfrom these three tables and an assignment to the contract holder.
Previous BP field ,,Indicator ,,New roles in JHTVGPZ
JHTVKO-ABINHNR ,, ,,AI (Contract holder)
JHTVAZUO-AGENTUR ,,XFIRST = ' ',,BR (Agency responsible)
JHTVBZUO-PROFIT ,,XPROFIT = ' ',,IS (Advertiser)
JHTVVZUO-VERMITL ,, ,,MV (Media sales agent)
Entries that have previously been made in JHTVGPZ are retained.Therefore, this program can be run several times.

All business partners are transferred to output determination in therole in which they are entered in JHTVGPZ. Previously, beneficiarieswith XPROFIT = 'X' were transferred in the 'IS' (advertiser) role. Theyare now transferred in the 'BG' (beneficiary) role. If you want tocontinue to use output conditions that assume the 'IS' role, you mustmodify the partner records that are transferred to output determinationin the following customer exits: SAPLJHAD 001
and SAPLJHAD 004.