SAP Program RJHXPRA03 - IS-M: Fill JHTVAABP-FAKBELNR and -FAKPOSNR (c.f. Note 134530)

This program enters the numbers of the billing document and thedocument item of the associated order billing document in eachsettlement item. The fields (JHTVAABP-FAKBELNR and JHTVAABP-FAKPOSNR)were blank from Release 3.04/2 until the integration of the OSS note134530.
During this process, the program performs the same task as thecorrection program ZJHAR001 that was attached to the note.
This program also fills the fields JHTVAABP-FKDAT (billing date) andJHTVAABP-KURST (exchange rate type) that have also been left blanksince Release 3.04/2.
This program only handles contracts for which final settlement has notyet been performed in the interests of system response time.
The program can be run several times and can also be run if thecorrection report from the note has already been run.