SAP Program RJHCCARD_AUT_01 - IS-M/AM: Payment Cards: Authorization in Batch/Dialog

This program is used to make authorizations in dialog or in backgroundprocessing mode.
The system processes the selected orders or billing datasets that arerelevant to payment cards in accordance with the radio button.

  • 'Dialog':

  • You can propose a display variant on the selectionscreen. Possible entries are available to you here. If you do notspecify a variant, the system uses the initial variant. The system list tool display variant '1SAP' is also available toyou.
    The system will list the selected orders with the billing datasets thatare relevant to payment cards. The following functions are available toyou:
    Transfer the order selected using the checkbox field for authorization.
    The system attempts to authorize this order when saving the list. Anyproblems that occured will then be displayed in a notes list. Thesystem also updates the Authorization requiredstatus characteristic.
    Perform manual authorization for the billing dataset selected using thecursor.
    Enter an authorization number for manual authorization.
    Account determination analysis for a billing dataset selected using thecursor.
    The system determines the payment card account and issues a detaileddetermination log.
    Display the order or billing dataset selected using the cursor.
    • 'Batch':

    • The system authorizes the selected orders. A collective processing runwith collective processing type 'D' is created. This contains allselected and processed orders and the respective notes list. TheAuthorization required status characteristic andthe orders are updated. Processing is performed in portions with thesize = documents per commit.