SAP Program RJHAGAP - IS-M/AM: Display Sales Agent Determination Log

This program allows you to display the logs for sales agentdetermination.

You can restrict the number of log entries to be displayed as follows:

  • Order restrictions (order, item and billing dataset)

  • Time restrictions (date and time of log creation)

  • Log generated by (user, transaction, program)

  • Log class (all, only very important, only important or also less
  • important log entries)

    If you are working in dialog, you should restrict the selectionso that the number of log entries displayed can be viewed easily andthe program run time does not become too long. You can also use themaximum number of documents parameter if required.

    Once the program has ben started, an overview list of the orderobjects, for which sales agent determination log entries were generated(and which correspond to your selection), will be displayed.
    You can display the log output for the individual logs (for each orderobject) by selecting individual list lines (by double clicking orF2). The log output consists of an output class ("Importance ofthe output") and the output text. By double clicking or pressing F2
    you can display a more detailed output text (long text) for eachoutput line.
    You can use the pushbuttons Very important, Important,Medium and Add.inf. to dynamically influence the view ofoutput according to the log class.