SAP Program RJHAEG02 - IS-M/AM: Ad Items by Date Type

Evaluation of Date Type

This function allows you to determine ad items using the date type anddisplay these in a list.
You want to determine ad items with schedule lines that have beengenerated till forbid.

The following selection criteria are available to you on the selectionscreen:

  • Date type

  • Sales document data from the header and item

  • Layout and print options

  • The system preassigns the till forbid date type. You can change thedate type or evaluate ad items independently of the date type.
    Note: You must specify sales organization, distribution channel anddivision during selection. Selection is sales area-dependent.
    You can use the layout and print options to control how the list isdisplayed. If you have saved a display variant when making a selection,you can use it again in subsequent selections.

    The system displays ad items that match the selection criteria in alist on the display screen. The list is sorted in ascending order bysales document and item number. You can however use the Sort andDisplay variants functions to sort this differently. StandardABAP List Viewer functions are available to you for editing the list.These include the following:

    • Display details:

    • Display detailed data for the selected item.
      • Display ad items:

      • Display the ad item data.
        • Display generation periods:

        • Access a list of booking units for which schedule lines have beengenerated till forbid from the list and display the end of thegeneration period.