SAP Program RJGBUSISM007_BAPI_TEST - IS-M: Test BAPI Create/Change Business Partner

With this report, you can use BAPIs to create or change businesspartners in exactly the same way as they were created or changed indialog processing.

The switch 'Compare BP' allows you to compare the two business partnersat field level afterwards. Fields irrelevant to the comparison(business partner number, data on the user who created and changedthem) are ignored.
You can define the sales area and role in which the business partner isto be created or changed by specifying these in the Sales Organization,Distribution Channel, Division and Business Partner Role fields.
When you create a business partner, you can also specify a referencebusiness partner. The system transfers all the data that is not orcannot be transferred to the BAPI from this reference business partner.
You can suppress data transfer to the BAPI from the template businesspartner using the appropriate functions.