SAP Program RJGBUP02_LOG - Logs of IS-M Business Partner Conversion (Only Retailers)

Logs of IS-M Business Partner Conversion (Retailers Only)

You can use this report to select and display all logs created duringbusiness partner migration for retailers.


  • Logs of

  • Business partner conversion
    Initialization of SAP BP Customizing
    Conversion of IS-M BP Customizing to SAP BP Customizing
    • Log date

    • Date on which the log was created (initial: all creation dates)
      • User

      • User under whose name the log was created (initial: all users)

        The report displays an overview of the logs found. The traffic lightsymbol at the start of each line indicates the degree of severity ofthe errors specified in the log (green: no errors; yellow: warnings;red: errors).
        Double click on a log in the list or click 'Display log' to display thelog in question. By default, the list is sorted with the most recentlogs at the top, but you can resort it as you wish.