SAP Program RJGBDC_FILE_PROCESS - IS-M: Bank Detail Change Service - File Processing

Process File of Change Data on Bank Details

This program can be used to import an external file created usingprogram RJGBDC_FILE_CREATE. The change data contained in the file isused to change the bank details in business partner master records.
For information on the structure of the file, please see thedocumentation on report RJGBDC_FILE_CREATE.

The bank details in the customer and vendor masters are also changed.


  • File system

  • Presentation server
    Application server
    You can store the file on the presentation server or on the applicationserver.
    • File category

    • Text file
      The records are read as individual lines.
      Text file with field separator
      The records are read as individual lines and a tabulator is used as thefield separator.
      • Block size

      • Number of business partners after which the program executes a Commit.
        • Test run

        • If you select this parameter, the changes are not saved.