SAP Program RJGBANKA - IS-M: Changes to Bank Data

This program can be used to perform 3 different steps:
Writing to a sequential file (logical file name: ISP_BANK_AEND see theimplementation guide on platform-independent file names). The structurefor the file is created in the Data Dictionary under 'RJGBDAEND'. Towrite to the file, you may need to specify a country (bank country) andthe old bank number (or possibly several bank numbers). Each recordfound for these bank numbers is written to the file. The fieldsSATZART, ANWENDUNG, KUNDENNR, BLZ_ALT, KTONR_ALT, INH_NAME containentries. The bank (or the user) should now make entries in theadditional fields BLZ_NEU and KTONR_NEU. If no entries are made inthese fields, the old account number or bank code are retained (when afile is imported).
Importing a sequential file created previously using this program andnow containing the additional data (new bank number and accountnumber).
Changing a bank number (for example, bank merger). Specify a banknumber (old) and the new bank code. A sequential file is not createdwhen you do this.
Please ensure that existing billing documents are transferred. Existingbilling documents that have not yet been transferred are not changed.The same applies to existing bank returns researches: they too are notchanged. The bank data is not transferred to Human Resources (carriersmay be created there).
Synchronization with a non-SAP system does not take place. This can beperformed by processing a file created by this report using a programin the non-SAP system.

Caution: To reduce the run time of the program, database indexes shouldbe created before the program is executed (particularly when dealingwith a large volume of data - more than 50000 orders with automaticdebit). The indexes should always contain the fields BANKL and BANKN.An index should be created for the following tables: knbk, lfbk, jkpa,jfdfs, jgtbkvw, jgtbkez. These indexes must be deleted afterwards sincethis could otherwise lead to problems in productive processing. Theprogram should not be executed in parallel with normal onlineoperations or in parallel with billing or settlement.

The program outputs a sequential file in step 1.