SAP Program RJGADR20 - IS-M: Address Synchronization Between IS-M, SAP BP, and FI/SD

IS-M is the leading system for the address with reference to the SAPBusiness Partner and the customer and vendor master. Address managementis time-dependent in IS-M, and is compared with the time-dependentaddress in the customer and vendor master and the main address for theSAP Business Partner. The validity period and time-dependent addressusages for the SAP Business Partner are not observed in IS-M.
This report adjusts the address for the SAP Business Partner, thecustomer and vendor master so that it matches the IS-M address valid onthat date. This report should be scheduled accordingly to ensure thatthe addresses are consistent.

Once the changes have been saved in IS-M address management, the systemaccesses this report for the corresponding business partnerautomatically. This means that changes to the main address, which isvalid on the date of processing, are distributed in the dependentobjects SAP Business Partner, customer master and vendor master if noerrors occur during synchronization. The system does not create a loghere.

Following successful synchronization, addresses are defined as beingsynchronized.

The report has the following selection parameters:

  • Restriction of the business partners to be synchronized.

  • Synchronization independently of the synchronization status.

  • It is advisable to restrict the business partners to be synchronized ifyou want to explicitly synchronize a specific number of businesspartners again. In this situation, you should perform synchronizationindependently of the synchronization status, since the system willotherwise skip the addresses that are already defined as beingsynchronized.
    If you want to perform synchronization independently of thesynchronization status, the system always synchronizes all businesspartners in the selection quantity. This can lead to an extremely longruntime for the report, particularly if a large number of businesspartners are involved. You should therefore only use this option incases where you want to synchronize individual business partners or verysmall numbers of business partners again.

    You should not make an entry in this parameter when the report isscheduled on a regular basis to compare addresses. The system onlysynchronizes business partner addresses that have not yet beensynchronized.

    The report shows the number of business partners synchronizedsuccessfully and the number of business partners that were notsynchronized in the application log. The system displays the reason whyeach business partner was not synchronized in the log.
    You can also view the log using transaction SLG1 (object ISM_BP,sub-object ADDR_SYNC). You should delete logs that have an expiry dateof over 2 weeks after the program run on a regular basis. You can also d
    elete logs after the expiry date.

    Schedule the report at least once a day to ensure that the address inthe SAP Business Partner and the customer and vendor master is always upto date. SAP recommends running the report shortly after midnight.