SAP Program RJGADR10 - IS-M: Synchronization of Address Between IS-M and SD (Obsolete)

Since IS-M is the main system, it influences the customers and vendorscreated from it in SD.
So that the address data in the time-dependent address managementcomponent of IS-M is consistent with the time-independent management ofcustomer and vendor addresses in SD, you must schedule this report atthe desired regular intervals.

Overwrites the customer/vendor address data in SD with the current datafrom IS-M. The address data in question is marked as synchronized inIS-M.
The program displays a log indicating which addresses weresynchronized. If an error occurs during processing, this is alsoindicated in the log, noting the business partner number and the typeof error.
The following errors can occur:

  • Locking errors

  • The tables must be locked before changes can be made to them. If atable entry is already locked by another process, this address cannotbe synchronized. The system tries again to synchronize the address whenthe report is run later.
    • Inconsistent address data

    • There is no address or no business partner master record for an addresstime slice. If this error occurs, you should check the business partnerdata carefully.
      • Errors in business partner master

      • This kind of error occurs if no customer or vendor number is recordedin the business partner master, which is not admissible. In this case,you should notify your system administrator.
        • Error while changing SD master data

        • This kind of error occurs when the SD master data is updated. In thiscase, the address is not changed and the synchronization indicator isnot selected in the address. The system tries again to synchronize theaddress the next time the report is run.
          • Missing entry in table KNA1 or LFA1

          • A customer or vendor number is recorded in the business partner masterrecord but there is no corresponding entry in table KNA1 or LFA1. Thedata is therefore inconsistent. In this case, you should notify yoursystem administrator.

            It is advisable to run the report daily after midnight to ensure thatthe customer and vendor addresses in SD are always up to date.

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