SAP Programs

Program Text
RJBRTOV3 RM: Template for Service Programs - Optional Part
RJBRTREE Risk Hierarchy
RJBRTRGE Generate environment for an analysis structure
RJBRVAKO Variance/Covariance Approach
RJBRVARE Drilldown Reporting: Display Value-at-Risk Type
RJBRVARKOMBI Display Differentiation Rule Specific to Valuation Rule
RJBRVARS Display Shifts for VaR Evaluations
RJBRVCHK RM: Determination of which Financial Objects were not Updated
RJBRVCIASZ RM: Subprograms for View Cluster Maintenance for Utilization Scenario
RJBRVCLQSZ RM: Subprograms for View Cluster Maintenance for Liquidation Scenario
RJBRVREGC Reconstruction of View-Dependent Data of FOs (Selection using Trans)
RJBRVREGC1 Reconstruction of View-Dep. Data for Fin. Objects (FO) (Sel. using FO)
RJBRVREGC2 Reconstruction of View-Dependent Data of FOs (Selection using Trans)
RJBRVREGN RM: Restructuring of Part of a View - Template Program
RJBRVRGC No Longer Used
RJBRVRGF RM: Subprograms for View Regeneration
RJBRVRGG erweiterte Tabellenpflege untere Ebene
RJBRVRGN RM: Restructuring of Part of a View - Template Program
RJBRXP01 Conversion Program for Deleting Entries in TKES/TKESD
RJBRXP02 Report for Converting Old Due Date Scenarios
RJBRXP03 Conversion of Data Element JBRBEWREG in Applicable Tables
RJBRXP04 RM: Fill Valuation Rule during Upgrade to 4.0
RJBRXP05 Report for Converting Old Due Date Scenarios
RJBRXP06 Report for Conversion of ALM Valuation Type
RJBRXP4031 RM: Copy Variants for Single Value Analysis
RJBR_CALC_MARKET_VAL_FOR_BOND Price Calculation for Securities (Interest)
RJBR_GENTRANS_CALCDATE_CHECK Create a Data File for DI of Generic Transactions
RJBR_GENTRANS_DBERBIS Migration Report for Generic Transactions
RJBR_GPTP_ARCH_ANALYZE Archiving Object JB_GPTP: Analysis Program
RJBR_GPTP_ARCH_DELETE Archiving Object JB_GPTP: Deletion Program
RJBR_GPTP_ARCH_RELOAD Archiving Object JB_GPTP: Reload Program
RJBR_GPTP_ARCH_WRITE Archiving Object JB_GPTP: Write Program
RJBR_TEST_SOFT_MODIFICATIONS Test Program for Soft Mofications
RJBTANRE Retrospective derivation for financial objects, STC parts
RJBTANREX Retrospective derivation for financial objects, STC parts
RJBTANRE_46 Retrospective Derivation for Financial Objects, STC Parts
RJBTCASH Cash Flow Disturbance Costing
RJBTCKA1 SAP Banking: Costing Sheet Analysis
RJBTCOMP Program for Mass Comparison of Customizing Tables
RJBTGEN IS-B: Generation of Flexible Procedures
RJBTKALB SAP Banking: Costing Program For Core Deposit Products
RJBTKALK00 SAP-Banking: Costing Program for Updating Transactions
RJBTKALKEH SEM Banking: Report on Costing in Own-Account Trading Area
RJBTKALO SAP Banking: General call-up of costing
RJBTKALR SAP Banking: Costing program for backdated transactions
RJBTKMP Display of Required/Optional Fields for Products
RJBTKRLT SAP Banking: Display Costing Rule as List
RJBTKUMS Convert Costing Rules
RJBTLSVORMERK Edit Indicator Table for Type One CF Disturbances
RJBTPRAZ Display Logs
RJBTPRAZ_APL Display and delete costing logs
RJBTPZUP Check Report for Product Allocation
RJBTZSTR Cash Flow Output
RJBT_DELTAB Program to Delete from Tables (/1ISB/COA*)
RJBT_RECONCILIATION_LOAN_PAFO Reconciliation of Loan Transactions Against Financial Objects
RJBVTPAACT Variable transaction: Activate FO integration for profit. analysis
RJB_CONVERT_TO_VARTRA Conversion Program for the Variable Transaction
RJB_CONVERT_VTNAME Postprocessing: Conversion of Name for Variable Transaction
RJB_REUSE_EX_KLMZ1 Example: Average balances for reporting period
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS1 Example: Display Yield Curve
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS10 Example: Interpolation Using Different Cubic Splines
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS2 Example: Reading a Yield Curve Value from a Yield Curve
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS3 Example: NPV of a Cash Flow
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS4 Example: Calculation of Zero Bond Discounting Factors from Par Rates
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS5 Example: Calculation of Par Rates from Zero Bond Discounting Factors
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS6 Example:Calculation of Zero Bond Discounting Factors from Zero Coupons
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS7 Example: Calculation of Zero Coupons from Zero Bond Disc. Factors
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS8 Example: Calculation of Forward Yield Curve Value from Yield Curve
RJB_REUSE_EX_ZINS9 Example: Calculation of Forward Yield Curve from Base Yield Curve
RJDAKZFO Arrival Times for Third-Party Objects
RJDAUFMA IS-M/SD: Convert Audit Report Type for Edition
RJDDELBZANG IS-M: Delete Mix Offer
RJDDELVAAUS IS-M: Delete Issue Mix (Created Manually)
RJDDRE00 Editions of Publication
RJDEKLIS Publication Calendar for Edition
RJDEPLIS Publication Calendar for Ad Pre-Prints
RJDGEN00 IS-M/SD: Issue Generation
RJDGNTR0 Selection for Generation Trigger Management for Editions
RJDPKTGR IS-M/SD: Overview of Bundling Group for Edition
RJDPRLIS Ad Pre-Print Overview
RJDPVALI Edition Overview
RJDP_RULE IS-M: Maintain Bundling Rule for Copies (Issue)
RJDVAEXTERN_PROT Display Log of External Issue Transfer
RJDVAGEW Overview of issue weights
RJDVALIS Issue overview
RJDVANUM Issue (Re)Numbering
RJDVASHIFT IS-M: Move Publication Date of an Issue
RJDVASHIFT_PROT IS-M: Log for Moving Publication Date of an Issue
RJDXPRA1 XPRA for Converting Audit Report Type for Edition (IVW)
RJDXPRA2 XPRA for Converting JDTDRER (Issue Acct Assgmt + Backdated Shipping)
RJDXPRA461_DRERZFIELDS_TO_PVA 4.61 XPRA: Convert Special Publication Fields Edition
RJDXPRA461_JDTBEZTYP_FILL 4.61 XPRA: Convert Mix Types to Edition-Specific Mix Types
RJDXPRA461_TYPCHANGE_VA_SI 4.61 XPRA: Convert Special Publication Fields Edition
RJDXPRA472_MARA_TO_ISSUESEQ 4.72 XPRA: Synchronize Media Issue Attributes in Issue Sequence
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