SAP Program RJ-J3FZP - IS-M/SD: LIS Update for Delivery Data

This program transfers data from the deliveries into the LIS (LogisticsInformation System - a component of which is the Media InformationSystem). When this is done, an indicator is selected in the deliveriestransferred; the program updates deliveries once in the LIS.
The following restrictions apply to the shipping date for the period tobe updated:

  • You can transfer past deliveries to the LIS. When you do this, the
  • system assumes that no further changes are possible for thesedeliveries (e.g. due to order changes at short notice or changes topublication of an issue).
    • It is also possible to update deliveries for the current date for which
    • the closing date is set. No further changes can occur in thesedeliveries either if you ensured that netchange was run after theclosing date was set.
      The program can also be used to set up LIS data if the LIS update fordeliveries was not used actively for deliveries, i.e. for an initialdata setup for deliveries in LIS.

      Selection criteria

      • Processing period

      • You can also specify the transfer period by explicitly specifying adate interval (from and to date) or by specifying an offset to thecurrent date. If you choose the second option, the system transfers alldeliveries whose shipping date is earlier than or the same as a datecalculated as the difference between the current date and the offset.
        • The area of deliveries to be transferred can also be restricted by
        • means of the following three criteria:
          Plant (printing works)
          This means it is possible to transfer delivery data to the LIS inseveral parallel background jobs for data areas selected withoutoverlaps.
          • Cancellation date, time

          • The parameters 'Cancellation date' and 'time' can be used to define theend of the program run at a certain time (even though the data has notall been transferred to the LIS by this time; the data not transferredis automatically included in a subsequent run if you specify theappropriate selection criteria). If you do not specify a cancellationdate, the system simply checks whether or not the time is exceeded. Thesame applies if you only specified the cancellation date.
            • The following parameters allow you to specify that the inconsistencies
            • are to be ignored and are not to lead to cancellation:
              Allow missing viability sets
              Allow missing sales org.
              Allow missing orders
              • The 'Creation log' parameter allows you to have the program create a
              • more detailed log listing the individual deliveries (useful fortesting).
                • The 'Test run' indicator allows you to choose a log instead of database
                • updates.

                  The selected deliveries are transferred to the LIS update and are thusupdated in the active data structures.
                  Error situations are documented in an error log list.
                  If the corresponding parameter is selected, the program displays a loglist containing an overview of the deliveries processed. The 'success'of the transfer is documented in a return code for each delivery. Thesecodes have the following meanings:
                  0 = Transfer successful
                  1 = No transfer since no update group was determined (this is usuallybecause no statistics group leading to an update is maintained for theedition in the delivery)
                  4 = Error in LIS update (more precise origin in an error log)
                  8 = Publication or edition of delivery not found in system
                  12= Combination of 4 and 8