SAP Program RJ-J1SIM - IS-M/SD: LIS - Simulate Sales Order Update

This program simulates the dialog update for one sales order andcreates an update log.
The system does not check whether or not the key figures for theselected sales order have already been taken into account in thestatistics database. This is also not possible technically since itcannot be seen from the order. However, this is unimportant whenperforming a simulation: here processing takes place as if the selectedorder was created in the system.
Examples of when to use this function:

  • To check your customizing settings for updating an existing sales order

  • To check why a sales order did not trigger an update
  • Note
    Existing update logs will be overwritten.

    The program displays the new update log created. The log contains alist of all updates (with information structure / update group) thatwere triggered by the sales order.
    To analyze a particular update, position the cursor on the appropriateline and choose 'Details'. This function displays all data relevant tothe business procedure.
    According to your definition of the update rules, the program displaysan overview of the key figures that were to be updated from thedocument. The following information is displayed for each key figure:

    • Content (updated value of key figure):

    • 'No update' means that no update took place, perhaps because arequirement was not met. In this case, the details screen provides youwith a further option for analysis: position the cursor in the line youwant to analyze and choose 'Key figure' or 'Features'. The detailsscreen contains information on the source data from the document forupdate.
      • O/N stands for Old/New and indicates whether an update transaction is
      • one creating or changing data.
        If a document is created in the application, new update transactionsare created.
        If a document is changed, the update triggered by the creation must becorrected. To do this, the update triggered is posted negatively in afirst step. This posting is marked 'Old' in the overview. In a secondstep, the new constellation is updated as for creation and marked as'New' in the overview.
        • The hierarchy level of the document that triggered the update is
        • displayed in the next column (for example, item, schedule line).