SAP Program RIWC0016 - WCM: Automatic Generation of WCM Objects (Background Processing)

You can use this program to automatically generateWCM objects:

  • If necessary, it activates work clearance management for
  • orders.
    • It generates all the WCM objects necessary for lockout/tagout for the
    • orders and assigns them to each other.
      • It optimizes the amount of the
      • Operational WCDs.
        The system bases the individual WCM objects on the following:
        • The system uses the corresponding order as a basis for the
        • work approval and theWC application. It copies the planning data from the order. It takes theresponsible work center from the order header to use as the work center.
          • The system uses the WCD
          • template as the basis for the Operational WCD. It takes the planningdata from the order.