SAP Program RINV_DELETE_TRANSF - Delete Archived Transfer Table for Bill Docs Transferred to FI-CA

This report is the second step in archiving transfer lines for bill datato FI-CA It deletes documents on the basis of previously createdarchives.
You can find the definition of the archiving object and thecorresponding Customizing via transaction AOBJ.
You can find archiving management and the corresponding Customizing viatransaction SARA.
You can find the technical view of the archived bill documents viatransaction SARI

The archiving of bill documents includes the following reports:
Archiving Report
All specified bill documents are analyzed in terms of archiving. Thearchivable bill documents are archived.
You can use BAdI INV_REMADV_ARCHIVE todefine further checks regarding the archivability of bill documents.
Deletion Report
The bill documents written in the archive file are deleted from thecorresponding database table.
Evaluation Report
The archived bill documents are displayed.

This report enables you read previously archived bill documents for anarchiving run and delete the corresponding entries from the databasetable.

When you start the report, you can make various settings on the initialscreen:

  • Test run: if you start the report as a test run, no changes are made to
  • the database
    • Productive run: changes are made to the database

    • Detailed log: activates a detailed log with additional data on each
    • analyzed data record (can be unclear with large data volumes)

      Notes on Error Messages (for system administrators)
      If one of the following system messages occurs during the program run,correct the cause of the message and restart the archiving report.

      • Program stop: error opening the archive file

      • The system could not open an archive file
        • Program stop: deletion error in a database table

        • An error occurred while the system was deleting entries in a databasetable
          • Program stop: error closing archive file

          • The system could not close an archive file
            • Program stop: Customizing (commit counter) not permitted

            • An error occurred while the system was reading the Customizing entriesfor the archiving object.