SAP Program RIMRCICK - Check of Counter Readings for Interval Measurement Document

Check and correction program for interval measurement documents, whichhave been generated by the counter reading transfer.

None: The program can run whilst the SAP System is open for generaldialog.

For a given interval document IMRG, the counter reading differenceIMRG-CDIFF is checked against the cumulative counter readingdifferences of the source documents in the interval {IMRG-IDAT1/ITIM1 ;IMRG-IDATE/ITIME}.
The absolute counter reading IMRG-CNTRR and overall counter readingIMRG-READG are also checked.
If the program determines a variance, it offers to correct thedocument.


  • The counter reading difference IMRG-CDIFF is saved in the document as a
  • floating point number and refers to the SI unit. However, to make iteasier to understand, the difference is displayed (as in the dialog inthe field RIMR0-CDIFC) together with the characteristic unit of themeasuring point.
    • If you run the program in batch mode, the system cannot ask you to
    • confirm the correction of the interval document.
      Therefore: Where necessary and possible, the correction is always madein batch mode.
      • Subsequent measurement documents at the same measuring point are
      • adjusted automatically, but not checked in the same way. The programmust also be executed again if necessary for subsequent intervaldocuments.