SAP Program RIIBIP00 - RIIBIP00 - Data Transfer


Validity of description
General usage of transaction IBIP
Difference between transaction IBIP and ABAP version RIIBIP00
Note on source file
Batch input or direct input?
Prerequisites for successful data transfer
Customer exit
Notes on general structure
Key for the description of direct input, batch input and calltransaction
Direct input
Batch input and call transaction
IBIPBDCD for batch input and call transaction
Long text processing
Partner details
Test help

1. Validity of description
This description applies to the following functions:

  • Transaction IBIP

  • Function module IBIP_BATCH_INPUT_RFC


  • Transaction SA38 with ABAP RIIBIP00:

  • The above functions perform the same function, but they are started/called up in different ways.

    2. General usage of transaction IBIP
    Create source data.
    You must create the data either using external tools or using thefunctions for data maintenance.
    Define an execution mode.
    You have the following options:
    Call transaction starts the application transaction immediatelyto perform data transfer.
    BDC session (indirect) creates a session first. You must thenprocess this session with transaction SM35 (see option Edit session
    ) to perform data transfer.
    Direct input creates the requiredobject using function modules. In general, you do not receive an onlinemessage. Error-free data is written directly from the function moduleto the database.
    Define the source and target file.
    This includes the file path and the data origin.
    If you want to save incorrect transactions, you must enter a targetfile.
    Execute the transaction.
    For more information, press F1 while on the relevant fields.

    3. Differences between transaction IBIP and ABAP version RIIBIP00
    The transaction IBIP provides test tools and enables theinteractive processing of data. Incorrect internal data can becorrected immediately.
    Using the ABAP version RIIBIP00, you have the option ofgenerating a background job to perform the data transfer regularly andwith a constant setting.

    4. Note on source file
    Remember that it is not possible to use the presentation server as asource if you start RIIBIP00 as a batch job. In this case, nopresentation server and therefore no dialog is active. Files cannot beread directly from the presentation server.
    In the case of a batch job as source, you must select a file from theapplication server.

    5. Batch input or direct input?
    Batch input
    RIIBIP00 is a general tool for data transfer to enter information inthe SAP system using standard transactions. You must create an inputfile for one of the supported transactions in the correspondingstructure.
    Direct input
    You must also enter corresponding transactions in the direct inputmode. These abbreviated codes are used to control IBIP to call up thesuitable function module. They do not correspond to a concrete SAPtransaction, but are understood as logical transactions.

    6. Prerequisites for successful data transfer
    RESET N1
    The source file must be accessible to the SAP system.
    The source file must show the required structure.
    If you use the function module IBIP_BATCH_INPUT_RFC using RFC, makesure that DIALOG is supported. DIALOG is often not supported. A localSAP GUI is a prerequisite.
    If DIALOG is not possible, you must set the parameter IBIPPARMS-DARKequal to X (see interface to function module).
    In the case of RFC, there may be difficulties if the source file is notINT_TAB. You should therefore preferably use the INT_TAB option.

    7. Output

    • Either

    • Batch input group with the accompanying name
      • Or

      • A call transaction or direct input to save the records immediately

        8. Customer exit
        If you want to use a transaction for data transfer which is notsupported in IBIP, you can enter the coding for it in thecustomer exit. For this, read thecustomer exit documentation.
        You also have the option of creating a program automatically for datatransfer using the batch input recording tool (transaction SHDB). Youcan use this as a copy model for your coding in the customer exit.

        9. Notes on general structure
        Change of field lengths
        Note that the field lengths have been changed for Release 4.0A. Inparticular, the TCODE and the structure name have been lengthened. Thismeans that the data files from previous releases must be adaptedaccordingly.
        Structure of input records
        All input records should show the general structure of IBIPREC (seetransaction SE12). The first two fields are the same in all IBIPstructures.
        For the individual transactions, you must decide in which fields youmust make entries and which can be left blank.
        The TCODE (transaction code) may only be entered for the first recordof the transaction.
        The RECORDNAME must be given for every record in the input file. Thesequence of the records in the input file is important. You should makesure that you follow the hierarchical structures as specified below,under 11. Direct input and 12. Batch input and calltransaction.
        Initial fields
        As a general rule, initial fields in structures are not transportedinto the corresponding screen field. In other words, fields that areblank are ignored. If you explicitly want to reset a field to the value"", you must mark the field in the batch input structure withthe value !. This is the reset indicator, and means that a fieldis to be reset to its initial value.
        These rules also apply to radio buttons and checkboxes.
        General naming conventions
        The structure of the individual transactions follows the general namingconvention IBIPxxxx, for direct input IBIP_*.
        The change transactions generally use the same structure as the createtransactions. xxxx or * is a general code and represents the recordcategory.
        Date and time fields
        You must enter date fields in the batch input structure as YYYYMMDD
        . The date format of the user logged on is checked (for example,MM/DD/YYYY) and is passed on to the screen.
        Time fields require the format HHMMSS and are also changed onthe basis of a user-specific setting.
        Size limitations
        If you want to transport several thousand records with this ABAPreport, you should contact your system administration with reference tothe size of the PAGING area available on the server on which you wantto run the report. Each record requires 2 Kbyte. If the report dumpswith size, paging area or roll area problems, you should try again withseveral smaller files instead of one large input file.
        Upper/lower case
        Transactions and record names must be written in capitals.

        10. Key for description of direct input, batch input and calltransaction

        • -->>,,means:,,"0 or more cases of an expected/allowed record"

        • -->,,means:,,"0 or exactly 1 case of an expected/allowed record"

        • NEW-PAGE

          11. Direct input
          Transaction NOTI_CREATE Create notification
          Structure - IBIP_NOTI_CREATE Single record, simple notification
          |-->> IBIP_TEXT Long text for notification header
          |-->> IBIP_PART Partners for notification
          |-->> IBIP_NOTI_ACTIVITY Activities for notification header
          | |-->> IBIP_TEXT Long text for activity
          |-->> IBIP_NOTI_TASK Tasks for notification header
          | |-->> IBIP_TEXT Long text for task
          |-->> IBIP_NOTI_ITEM Items for notification
          | |-->> IBIP_TEXT Long text for item
          | |-->> IBIPFEAT Characteristics for item class
          | |-->> IBIP_NOTI_CAUSE Cause of item
          | | |-->> IBIP_TEXT Long text for cause
          | |-->> IBIP_NOTI_ACTIVITY Activities for item
          | | |-->> IBIP_TEXT Long text for activity
          | |-->> IBIP_NOTI_TASK Tasks for item
          | | |-->> IBIP_TEXT Long text for task
          Comment on IBIP_TEXT: The field TEXT_MARK is not required here.
          Transaction EQUI_CREATE - Create equipment
          Structure - IBIP_EQUI_CREATE Equipment record
          Transaction CONF_CREATE - Enter confirmation for PM order
          Structure - IBIP_CONF_CREATE
          |-->> IBIP_CONF_CREATE
          Within a transaction, you can make several confirmations, so
          IBIP_CONF_CREATE can be used many times.
          Transaction CONF_CANCEL - Cancel confirmation for PM order
          Structure - IBIP_CONF_CANCEL
          Transaction MEDO_CREATE - Create measurement document
          Structure - IBIP_MEDO_CREATE
          If you want to transfer data with direct input, you must prepare yourdata in the internal format (for example, watch out for leading zerosand upper/lower case). In transaction IBIP, you have the option underFile management of calling up a conversion tool. You can usethis to convert your data into the internal format.

          12. Batch input and call transaction
          Transaction IE01 - Create equipment
          Transaction IE02 - Change equipment
          Structure - IBIPEQUI Equipment record
          |-> IBIPNSTA New status profile if necessary
          |->> IBIPSTAT User status records
          |->> IBIPDOCU Doc. from Doc. management system
          |->> IBIPPART Partner details (comment below)
          |-->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          for long text: TEXT_MARK = " " empty
          for internal comment: TEXT_MARK = "1"
          |-->> IBIPCLAS Classification record (eqpmt class)
          |-->> IBIPFEAT Classification characteristics,
          ie. features for the class
          |-->> IBIPBDCD see below (from screen 102)
          Transaction IL01 - Create functional location
          Transaction IL02 - Change functional location
          Structure - IBIPFLOC Functional location
          |-> IBIPNSTA New status profile if necessary
          |->> IBIPSTAT User status records
          |->> IBIPDOCU Doc. from Doc. management system
          |->> IBIPPART Partner details (see comment below)
          |-->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          |-->> IBIPCLAS Classification record
          |-->> IBIPFEAT Classification characteristics,
          ie. features for the class
          |-->> IBIPBDCD see below (from screen 'SAPMILO0' '2120')
          Transaction IN04 - Create object link (functional locations)
          Transaction IN05 - Change object link (functional locations)
          Transaction IN07 - Create object link (equipment)
          Transaction IN08 - Change object link (equipment)
          Structure - IBIPOLNK - Object link
          |-> IBIPNSTA New status profile if necessary
          |->> IBIPSTAT User status records
          |->> IBIPDOCU Doc. from Doc. management system
          |-->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          |-->> IBIPCLAS Classification record
          |-->> IBIPFEAT Classification characteristics,
          ie. features for the class
          Transaction IP04 - Create maintenance plan item
          Structure - IBIPMPOS - Maintenance plan item
          |-->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          |-->> IBIPOLST Object list
          |-->> IBIPBDCD (see below from item data)
          Transaction IP01 - Create maintenance plan
          Structure - IBIPMPLA - Maintenance plan
          |-->> IBIPMPOS Maintenance plan item
          |-->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          |-->> IBIPOLST Object list
          |-->> IBIPBDCD (see below from maintenance
          plan item)
          CAUTION: If the field IBIPMPOS-WAPOS is set,
          all other fields of the IBIPMPOS record are
          If the field IBIPMPOS-WAPOS is empty, the other
          fields of the IBIPMPOS record must be filled,
          to describe the maintenance item.
          Only those maintenance plan categories for which the call object isinitial are supported (see Customizing of maintenance plan categories).
          The data for the data transfer must be suitable for the correspondingview of the reference object, which was specified in the definition ofthe maintenance plan category. A change of view of the reference objectis not possible with IBIP.
          Transaction IP10 - Schedule maintenance plan
          Structure - IBIPCALL - Maintenance call (standard IP30)
          Structure - IBIPMPST - Maintenance plan restart/start in cycle
          Transaction IA01 - Create equipment task list
          Transaction IA11 - Create functional location task list
          Transaction IA05 - Create general maintenance task list
          Structure - IBIPTLST Task list header
          |-->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          |-->> IBIPTLOP Operations
          | |-->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          | |-->> IBIPTMAT Material for one operation
          | |-->> IBIPPRTS Production resources/tools (PRT
          | |-->> LONGTEXT (see comment below)
          | |--> IBIPMPAC Maintenance packages (up to 32)
          |--->> IBIPBDCD (see comment below) from operationoverview
          Transaction IK01 - Create measuring point
          Structure - IBIPMEAS Measuring point details
          |---------->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          |---------->> IBIPBDCD (see comment below)
          Transaction IK11 - Create measurement document
          Structure - IBIPMVAL Measurement document
          |---------->> IBIPTEXT (see comment below)
          |---------->> IBIPBDCD (from screen 'SAPLIMR0' '5210')
          Transaction MB11 - Goods movement
          Structure - IBIPGISS Goods movement
          The movement types supported are:
          221 Usage for project from warehouse
          222 Usage for project from warehouse - cancellation
          261 Usage for order from warehouse
          262 Usage for order from warehouse - cancellation
          281 Usage for network from warehouse
          282 Usage for network from warehouse - cancellation
          501 Receipt without purchase order - unrestricted use
          502 Receipt without purchase order - unrestricted use
          - cancellation
          531 Receipt by-product - unrestricted use
          532 Receipt by-product - unrestricted use
          - cancellation
          581 Receipt of by-product - unrestricted use of
          project from network
          582 Receipt of by-product from network
          - cancellation
          Remember that:
          - You always set the movement type.
          - You must provide either the reservation number or the
          material number and relevant account assignment, e.g.
          movement type 261 with an entry in the field for the
          order number (AUFNR)

          13. IBIPBDCD for batch input and call transaction
          IBIPBDCD is used to supply BDCDATA directly or to input BDCDATAcommands (IBIPFUNCT field for commands).
          If you want to use screens or functions not supported in the standardsystem, you can enter the BDCDATA directly in the source file. TheIBIPBDCD records are not processed but are passed on instead asBDCDATA. This allows an extension of the standard batch input processeswithout the need for changing programs or writing new ones.
          Batch input constructs records with structure BDCDATA. These recordsdescribe which screens and fields should be sent.
          You can enter screens prepared in advance using IBIPBDCD.
          To use IBIPBDCD records, proceed as follows:
          RESET N1
          Leave TCODE_SPAC blank.
          Set the RECORDNAME to IBIPBDCD.
          Assign the BDCDATA structure to the DATA_AREA.
          The field IBIPFUNCT can be left blank or filled with the commandsbelow:
          " " (blank),,No function. This is the normal case.
          ,,,,,,,,IBIPBDCD is interpreted as pure BDCDATA and
          ,,,,,,,,used unchanged as BDCDATA for transaction
          ,,,,,,,,For further information, see structure BDCDATA.
          GOTO,,,,=,,With function code in IBIPBDCD-FVAL, go to
          ,,,,,,,,screen IBIPBDCD-PROGRAM IBIPBDCD-DYNPRO.
          ,,,,,,,,This means that the function IBIPBDCD-FVAL
          ,,,,,,,,is triggered.
          ,,,,,,,,The following screen is IBIPBDCD-PROGRAM
          ,,,,,,,,If you do not set IBIPBDCD-PROGRAM
          ,,,,,,,,or IBIPBDCD-DYNPRO,
          ,,,,,,,,the current DYNPRO for example
          ,,,,,,,,PROGRAMM is accepted.
          ,,,,,,,,With PUSH> and POP, you can flag and retrieve
          ,,,,,,,,a screen.
          DYNP,,,,=,,The following screen is IBIPBDCD-PROGRAM
          FUNC,,,,=,,The function IBIPBDCD-FVAL is executed.
          ,,,,,,,,The following screen is the current screen.
          FLD,,,,=,,On the current screen, the field
          or FIELD,,,,IPBDCD-FNAM should be assigned the
          ,,,,,,,,value IBIPBDCD-FVAL.
          ENTR,,,,=,,Press return on the current screen.
          ,,,,,,,,The following screen is the current screen.
          PUSH,,,,=,,Flag current screen in stack.
          POP,,,,=,,Retrieve current screen from stack.
          CURS,,,,=,,Position cursor on field IBIPBDCD-FVAL.

          14. Long text processing
          You can copy the individual lines of a long text using the structureIBIPTEXT or IBIP_TEXT.
          The IBIPTEXT records (IBIP_TEXT records) must follow the associatedobject in the text file. A long text for a header record, for example,should immediately follow the header record in the batch input sourcefile.
          If an additional comment TEXT_MARK is defined, this indicates that morethan one long text for a structure is possible. This indicator servesto separate texts. The field TEXT_MARK must be set in this case. In allother cases, the field TEXT_MARK is ignored because only one long textis possible.

          15. Partner details
          If you enter an IBIPPART record, all existing partners will be deleted.This means that each time you must enter all partners, as soon as apartner (IBIPPART record) is present.

          16. Classification
          Classes and characteristics
          The structure IBIPCLAS only enables the assignment of a new class. Ifyou want to change the characteristics of an existing class, you mustfirst delete the class with the record IBIPCDEL, and reassign the classwith IBIPFEAT characteristics in a second transaction using IBIPCLAS.
          Note on the class type: You can only process classes for one class typewithin a transaction; a change of class type is not possible.
          In addition, for classification and transfer of characteristics, youcan also use the relevant data transfer programs for classification.These are available in transaction sxda under the data transfer objects0130, 0140 and 0150.

          17. Test help
          Test help 1
          The transaction IBIP (data transfer) allows you to enter test data.This means you can test values in the input structures immediately. Inthis way, you know exactly which values belong in which fields.
          You can export this test data as a text file, allowing you to compareyour test data.
          Test help 2
          The transaction "IBIP" allows you to generate test data.
          You can use program RIACCESS to download DDIC structures into an MSACCESS database. RIACCESS: MS ACCESS .MDB Createdatabase.
          You can then create and export simple test data. (see menu optionEXPORT table in MS ACCESS).
          You must use the format "Defined format" to obtain the requiredstructure. In other words, your test file should have a structure thatreflects the above example.
          The source file for batch input must not be formatted with ',,'or other such delimiters.

152976Batch input techn.object: User status set/delete