SAP Program RIGC0007 - GBC: Initialising Object Relations

Initialisation of object relationships

The report helps you define GBC object relationships using objects thatalready exist. In order to do this, the report reads an external fileand copies the required data into the GBC.

The external file must be an ASCII file with tab formatting. The fileis loaded one line at a time with every tab marking the end of a line.Blank lines are filtered.

Once the data has been loaded from the external file, it is displayedin a table on the right screen area. This data must now be convertedinto the same data format as the GBC database. To do this, allocate theloaded data column by column to the corresponding columns of the targetdata structure. The target data is defined by the following fields:

  • Type of object relationship

  • Type of higher-level object

  • Higher-level object key

  • Type of lower-level object

  • Lower-level object key

  • These fields are displayed in the tree on the right and the fields ofthe loaded data in the tree on the left. Data transfer is initializedby pulling the fields displayed on the right-hand side onto the fieldsdisplayed on the left-hand side. Data can only be transferred if alltarget fields are initialized. During the transfer, the data isconverted into the GBC data format. Data transfer only takes placewhen:
    • The type of object relationship is defined

    • The objects of the higher and lower-level object correspond to those in
    • the object relationships
      • The higher and lower-level object key has a value

      • Once the data has been successfully transferred, it is displayed intable form and internal format on the right screen area. When the datais saved, it is written in the GBC database. The system checks if anidentical data record already exists. An identical data record existsif the following occurs:
        • The system finds a data record with fields that correspond to all
        • fields of the data record to be transferred.
          • There is a data record whose higher-level object and key fields
          • correspond to the lower-level object and key fields of the data to betransferred and the lower-level object and key fields correspond tothe higher-level object and key fields of the data to be transferred.
            Identical data records are not saved.
            There are two views in the right screen area. Firstly, a view of theexternal data and secondly, a view of the data converted into internalformat. A data record is shown in one of the two views, but neversimultaneously in both. When data is read, the program switches to theview of the external data. During data transfer it switches to the viewof the internal format. You can manually switch views by clicking onthe folder in the tree currently being displayed.

            The data is copied into a work area. The work area is in table form.The number and width of the columns is taken from the input parameters.Valid parameters are as follows:

            • Number of columns greater than or equal to 1

            • Width of columns greater than or equal to 1

            • Width of a line (number of columns * column width) less than or equal
            • to 1024