SAP Program RIGC0006 - GBC: Maintain Field and Fixed Value Allocations

Maintain Field and Value Allocations

Use this report to maintain field allocations.

The report reverts back to the defined tasks that were created in thereport for task definition. When you create field allocations, youblock the function for changing task definitions.

You have created tasks to be executed by the GIS Business Connector(GBC).

On the left side of the window is a navigation tree. The tree lists allavailable object relations with their tasks defined for the respectivesystem. The steps and a generic export step are displayed for eachtask.
If you double-click on a task, the allocation area opens up next to thetree. The allocation area is divided into three areas; source data,target data and allocations.

  • The source data groups the container data and the export data of the
  • previous step.
    • The target data groups the import data of the current step.

    • Two views are available for the allocations in the lower area; the view
    • for field allocations and the view for key allocations.
      Field allocations are maintained, in which you drag parameters orfields made up of parameters, from the source area to the correspondingparameters or fields in the target area. If the allocation is valid, itis added to the list of field allocations. You can delete allunnecessary field allocations from the list.
      Maintain the key allocation, in which you drag the correspondingparameter value from the export area in the prepared higher or lowerlevel fields of the key allocations.
      The container area uses data from a previous step for later fieldallocations. If you want to include data in the container, drag thecorresponding parameters from the export area to the container area.
      You can store fixed value allocations by default values for all inputparameters. When processing the corresponding methods, these defaultvalues are used.
      Dynamic field allocations, however, overwrite default values.
      You can perform field allocations depending upon the type of fieldallocation, by using key conversion or value conversion. Key conversionis only possible if the key fields are part of the field allocation.For all other field allocations you must use value conversion withfixed values of user-defined subprograms.
      In the generic export step, you can generate the export data for thetask. In principle, all parameters in the container are available forthe export. You can delete unrequired export values afterwards.