SAP Program RIGC0005 - GBC: Maintain Task Definition

Maintain Task Definitions

Use this report to define the tasks that are to be executed by the GISBusiness Connector (GBC).

The report is based on object relations that were created in the reportfor maintaining object relations. It is also the basis for the reportfor maintaining field and value allocations.
Note that the data structure cannot be changed if dependent dataexists. You cannot change task steps if field allocations have alreadybeen defined.

On the left side of the window is a navigation tree. The navigationtree lists all available object relations with their respective SAP andGIS objects.
You can use additional objects and their methods if you include objectsbelow a task and within the corresponding system in the tree.
If you double-click on the object relation, all its tasks are displayedin the top part of the window. Here you can create or delete tasks.
Note that you cannot delete tasks if steps have been defined for thetasks.
If you double-click on a task, all the steps for the task are displayedin the bottom part of the window. The padlock indicates whether you canchange the task steps. If you can change the task steps, you can dragobject methods from the navigation tree in the list of steps, or attachthe Insert Step function to the list of steps. Otherwise you canchange the sequence of the steps by using the drag and drop function,or you change the corresponding menu functions.