SAP Program RIGC0003 - GBC: Link Log

Log of GIS Business Connector Connections and Postprocessing ofAsynchronous and Defect Tasks.

This report is used to analyze the connections of the GIS businessconnector. The connections are displayed with their tasks in a list,corresponding to the selection of all connections. If tasks that wereintended for asynchronous processing, or tasks with errors are includedin the selection quantity, you can postprocess them.
Note that postprocessing is only possible for tasks that are allocatedto a completed connection. You cannot change incomplete connections.

The status of a connection is symbolized by a traffic light. Thisstatus is an aggregation from the connection status and all taskstatuses belonging to this connection. The following rules apply, andthe status is prioritized in the sequence described:

  • A red traffic light symbolizes a defect connection. A connection is
  • defect in the following cases:
    The connection was not completed (connection status =1).
    A task could not be processed by a failed callup of an interface method(task status = 8).
    A task was not processed (task status = 9).
    • A yellow traffic light symbolizes a successfully processed connection
    • with asynchronous tasks. This is the case if both of the followingconditions have been fulfilled:
      The connection was completed.
      At least one task was marked as asynchronous (task status = A).
      • A green traffic light symbolizes a successfully processed connection.
      • This is the case if both of the following conditions have beenfulfilled:
        The connection was completed (connection status = 0).
        The task status has one of the following values:
        0 Task successfully processed
        1 Recursive call determined
        2 Key conversion not possible
        3 Key conversion ambiguous
        The filter for selecting asynchronous tasks or defect tasks does nottake note of the status, and determines all corresponding tasks thatexist for the completed connections.