SAP Program RIDEPLOT04 - Process Distribution Lot (Reversal and Reset)

This report is used to map the following processes:
Reversal of an entire distribution lot - in additional to all individualpayment documents at end customer level, the payment at aggregated level(contract account for aggregated posting) is also reversed.
Reversal of individual documents that were posted to the individualcontract accounts by means of a distribution lot.
Reversal of selected payment documents in the contract account foraggregated posting.

The distribution lots were created using the Create Distribution Lotfrom Payment Advice Note function or the Create Distribution Lotfrom Bill Processing function.

Enter values for the following selection parameters:
- Payment document selection: Aggregated payment document
- Distribution lot selection: Distribution lot
- Reversal at end customer level: Payment document
In general, the aggregated payment document is selected.
If a distribution lot that does not have a payment allocation isreversed, you can enter an ID for the distribution lot in theDistribution Lot selection field. However, this is only possible if thePosting for Distribution Lot checkbox is deselected in the correspondingservice provider agreement.
If you want to reverse a payment document from a distribution lot at endcustomer level, you have to select it in the selection criteria. Onceyou have made this selection, only the selected document or thecorresponding distribution lot can be completely reversed during furtherprocessing.
Enter a reconciliation key if you want to consolidate the postingsgenerated as part of the reversal with a reconciliation key that youentered manually.
- Posting specifications: Reconciliation key
Start processing
The following dependencies exist:
An aggregated payment document can only be reversed if all distributionlots allocated to the document have already been reversed.
If an aggregated payment document is selected that is no longerallocated a distribution lot, the Distribution Lot Header Dataand Distribution Lot Item Data processing areas are empty. In thePayment Document Header Data processing area, another pushbuttonReversal of Payment Document appears, which you can use toreverse the aggregated payment document. This pushbutton remains hiddenas long as payments are still allocated to distribution lots.
As it is possible to post incoming payments and outgoing payments usinga distribution lot, an individual reversal is only possible undercertain conditions. After an individual reversal, the sum of theallocated payment amounts of an aggregated payment (per aggregatedcontract account) must be between 0 and the payment amount that wasposted to the aggregated account.
Example 1:
Total amount of aggregated payment document 0815 (50.00 UNI) # Incomingpayment
Distribution lot DLOT1 (40.00 UNI):
Item 1,,50.00 UNI
Item 2,,50.00 UNI
Item 3,,40.00 UNI
Item 4,,10.00 UNI
Item 5,,10.00 UNI
40.00 UNI is allocated to the distribution lot DLOT1.
The amount from document 0815 still to be distributed is 10.00 UNI.
The following individual reversals are not possible:
- Item 1, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0815 would be 40.00- UNI and would therefore not be withinthe interval of 0.00 UNI and 50.00 UNI
- Item 2, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0815 would be 60.00 UNI and would therefore not be withinthe interval of 0.00 UNI und 50.00 UNI
The following individual reversals are possible:
- Item 3, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0815 would be 50.00 UNI and would therefore be within theinterval of 0.00 UNI and 50.00 UNI
- Item 4, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0815 would be 0.00 UNI and would therefore be within theinterval of 0.00 UNI and 50.00 UNI
- Item 5, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0815 would be 20.00 UNI and would therefore be within theinterval of 0.00 UNI and 50.00 UNI
Example 2:
Total amount of aggregated payment document 0816 (50.00 UNI) # Outgoingpayment
Distribution lot DLOT2 (10.00 UNI):
Item 1,,50.00 UNI
Item 2,,40.00 UNI
Item 3,,40.00 UNI
Item 4,,10.00 UNI
40.00 UNI is allocated to the distribution lot DLOT2.
The amount from document 0816 still to be distributed is 10.00 UNI.
The following individual reversals are not possible:
- Item 1, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0816 would be 60.00- UNI and would therefore not be withinthe interval of 0.00 UNI and 50.00 UNI
- Item 2, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0816 would be 30.00 UNI and would therefore not be withinthe interval of 0.00 UNI und 50.00 UNI
The following individual reversals are possible:
- Item 3, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0816 would be 50.00- UNI and would therefore be within theinterval of 0.00 UNI and 50.00 UNI
- Item 4, because after reversal, the amount still to be distributedfrom document 0816 would be 0.00 UNI and would therefore be within theinterval of 0.00 UNI und 50.00 UNI
If the reversal is permitted, the allocated payment document is adjustedto account for the reversed amount.
If the selection is made as described in 1.2, the Payment DocumentHeader Data processing area is not displayed.
If the selection is made as described in 1.3, you branch to thedistribution lot from which the posting at individual customer level wasexecuted. If multiple aggregated payment documents are allocated to thisdistribution lot, you can decide, in an additional selection screen, inwhich aggregated payment document the payment allocation can bereleased.
Three processing areas are displayed. You can execute the followingfunctions for each processing area:
Processing area: Payment Document Header Data
Double click on the document number to branch to the document display.Alternatively, choose Goto -> Payment Document in the menu.
When you enter the processing screen, the Reversal Date field isprefilled with the original posting date of the aggregated paymentdocument. However, you can enter a different reversal date if you want.It makes sense to do this if, for example, the posting period in whichthe aggregated payment document was posted has already ended and thereversal has to take place in the posting period that is currently open.
The icon next to the document type indicates whether or not anaggregated payment document can be reversed. If the reversal is notpossible (icon is red) , because the posting period is closed forexample, you can double click on the icon to display additionalinformation.
You can use the Reversal of Payment Document header to reverse theaggregated payment document. The pushbutton is inactive if theaggregated payment document still refers to distribution lots that havenot been reversed.
Processing area: Distribution Lot Header Data
In addition to the list display functions, the following functions arealso relevant for processing:
Display Items
Select a distribution lot. Choose Display Items to display the item datafor the selected lot in the lower processing area.
With this function, you start a test run in which the reversibility ofthe aggregated payment document and the payment documents at individualcustomer level are checked. You can display the results of the check bymeans of the icon in the Payment Document Header Data processing area aswell as the line status of the payment lot items in the Distribution LotItems processing area. Double click on the icons to display additionalinformation about the status.
Color legend:
Red: Reversal is not possible for the payment lot item. It is notpossible to add items to the reversal distribution lot.
Yellow: Reversal is not possible, but the item can be added to areversal distribution lot.
Green: Reversal is possible.
To ensure that the individual contract accounts are displayed clearly,we recommend that you remove any possible obstructive clearings from theindividual payment documents beforehand. If you do not do this, thesepayment lot items would result in a reversal distribution lot.
Reversal / Clearing Reset
You use this function to start reversing the documents. You makedecisions regarding the activities for the aggregated payment documenton a selection screen. Depending on the processing status of thedistribution lot, some activities can be inactive.
If the distribution lot has not yet been posted, no individual documentshave to be reversed and you can delete the distribution lot.
In all other cases, the individual documents are reversed. For itemsthat can no longer be reversed (for example, budget billing paymentshave already been included in an interim bill), a reversal distributionlot is created and posted. Also take into account the information underRecommendation. If you also plan to reverse the periodic bill, you haveto do this first. This prevents the situation that a reversaldistribution lot is created unnecessarily for the budget billingpayments.
If the individual documents have already been reversed, no furtheraction is taken for this document.
In individual cases, it is possible that the distribution lot has thestatus 4 again (postprocessing necessary) due to a reversal of theindividual document. This is possible if a document has been reversedthat was originally posted to the clarification account and subsequentlyposted from the clarification account to the individual contract. Thereversal then only reverses the clarification and not the entire paymentlot posting. These items can only be completely reversed if a transferposting is made from the clarification account to the bank clearingaccount to which the distribution lot posted. In this function, thetransfer posting can take place automatically using a short accountassignment for transfer postings.
To do this, you have to define a short account assignment in Customizingthat refers to the bank clearing account to which the distribution lotposted. You make the definition in SAP Customizing under FinancialAccounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> BusinessTransactions -> Payments -> Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments ->Define Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings.
Reversal Date/Document
You use this pushbutton to adjust the posting date for the reversaldocuments at individual customer level. The original posting date isusually used for the reversal of individual documents. If this is notpossible because the posting period is closed, you can use the ReversalDate/Document pushbutton to define the date on which all the individualdocuments are reversed.
Processing area: Distribution Lot Item Data
In addition to the list display functions, the following function isalso relevant for processing:
Display Item
Select a lot item. Choose Display Item to branch to the detaileddisplay.
Reverse Item
This option is only active if an individual document was used for theselection. In this case, the selected item is reversed, whereby thepayment allocation is adjusted to account for the amount that wasreversed.