SAP Program RIDEPLOT02 - Create Distribution Lot from Bill Processing

The create distribution lot from bill processing function is usedif the invoicing service provider does not send a payment advice note.You use the parameter Auto PAN parameter to show that this is thecase in the service provider agreement.

Set the parameter values for distribution runs
You set the parameter values for the distribution from the paymentadvice note in Customizing for thedistribution category distribution from bill processing(transaction SM30, IUEEDPPLOTAVPPV).
Define parameters for the deregulation process outgoingbill/incoming payments (INV_OUT) in the service provider agreementsof service providers concerned.
You must specify values for the following parameters in all parameterconfigurations for agreements between theservice providers 'market partner' (PANsender) and 'processing service provider' (payment recipient), who areinvolved in the distribution:
Contract account for aggregated bill posting
The contract account for aggregated bill posting is created for the billrecipient (PAN sender) with a contract account category defined forinvoicing service providers. The distribution lot is posted for theleading company code, which is defined in the contract account. Thecompany code is also used for checks for other specifications (such aswhether the clearing account for aggregated payment/payment distributionhas been created in this company code).
Clearing account for aggregated payment/payment distribution
The clearing account for aggregated payment/payment distribution is theoffsetting account for postings to the reconciliation account of thesupplier in the general ledger. The account is used as a bank clearingaccount in all distribution lots to be structured. For this reason, inCustomizing, you must define it as the bank clearing account for paymentlots for the leading company code of the contract account for aggregatedbill posting (define bank clearing accounts for paymentlots).
Auto PAN
The Auto PAN parameter controls whether you can structuredistribution lots from the bill creation.
If the parameter is active, the bill creation data is regarded as anautomatic payment advice note.
If the parameter is not active, a payment advice note is explicitlyrequired for the distribution of aggregated payments. In this case, the'create distribution lots from bill processing' function cancels theprocessing.
Post distribution lot
The 'post payment lot' parameter controls whether structureddistribution lots can be posted immediately, or only after theaggregated payment of the invoicing service provider has been received.The aggregated payment is classed as having been received when thepayment documents posted to the invoicing service providers' accounts(using the process distribution lot (aggr.payment) function) have been allocated to the distribution lots.
If you have used Customizing to set post lot as thefurther-processing level for the distribution category 'distributionfrom bill creation', you should activate the post payment lotparameter.

Prorate parameters according to the following blocks:
Run identification
The values of the run date, time and runidentification parameters identify a distribution run.
Run date/time: The current system date and the current time are thedefault values. Both values can be overwritten.
Run identification: The 10-character run ID is a user-selectableidentifier. The input help for this field includes the parameter valuesthat you entered in the run identification, run date andtime fields.
If you have not entered any values in these fields, the selection is notrestricted.
If you have entered date in the 'run identification' and 'run date'fields, the system selects all runs with this run ID that have takenplace on this day. If you have entered a value in the 'time' field, thesystem selects all runs that took place within an hour either side ofthe time specified.
At the same time, the run identification is a component of the searchterm for the structured distribution lot. This is made up of the fixedvalue THI-RUNKEY, the run ID and the run date. This facilitates thesearch for distribution lots belonging to a distribution run.
Aggregated bill proration
You must specify selection criteria for the aggregated bill. Thesecriteria are:
Bill sender: Internal description for the aggregated bill sender.
The input help only includes values that exist in the system as transferrecords for bill creation by a third party (table DFKKTHI).
Bill recipient: Internal description for bill recipient.
Here too, the input help only includes values that exist in the systemas transfer records for bill creation by a third party (table DFKKTHI).
Bill processing date: Date on which the bill was transferred to thethird party.
Aggregation document: Document number of aggregated bill posting to thebill recipient's contract account.
The input help only includes values that exist in the system as transferrecords for bill creation by a third party (table DFKKTHI).
Individual contract account / individual document number: Proration ofindividual contract accounts or individual bill documents, which are tobe cleared by the distribution.
Here too, the input help only includes values that exist in the systemas transfer records for bill creation by a third party (table DFKKTHI).
Distribution control
Value date: Specifies the value date.
If the field status group for the general ledger account requires avalue date, then the value date is necessary for posting a paymentdocument. Therefore, specify the value data for the distributionpostings here.
Percentage of total to be distributed: The percentage of the total to bedistributed specifies which part of the determined total amount is to bedistributed. This percentage distribution is necessary, for example, ifa business partner becomes insolvent and only a part of the receivableamount is paid.
Indicator check distribution lot: This indicator controls whetherthe items to be distributed are excluded from transfer to thedistribution lot.
The reference between the bill item and distribution lot item isinternally saved for each transfer to the distribution lot. If theseitems are redistributed later, this allows you to check whetherdistribution lots already exist. You can then prevent unnecessarymultiple structuring of lots.
Start distribution run.
After being checked, the parameters are transferred to a function module
, which is called as a background process.
Use the log to check the status and messages in the application log.
The messages appear in a dialog box. The left part of the dialog boxdisplays the grouping criteria (problem classes) and the right partcontains the actual messages. You can use refresh to update thestatus and messages during the run.
The first message appears in the additional information problemclass, and displays the current status. The following different statusesare available:

  • Distribution is running: n Percent

  • The distribution run is not yet complete. The current degree ofprocessing is displayed. You can use refresh to update thestatus.
    • Distribution ended

    • A distribution run is classed as having ended without errors if eitherno bill items to be distributed are selected using the selectioncriteria specified, or all bill items to be distributed are transferredto distribution lots and have all reached the further-processing levelspecified in Customizing. The following statuses are set if thefurther-processing level was not reached for all items:
      • Not all created

      • The system could not transfer all items to distribution lots.
        • Not all closed

        • All items are contained in distribution lots. The highestfurther-processing level was close lot. However, the system couldnot close all lots that are relevant for this further-processing level.
          • Not all posted

          • All items are contained in distribution lots. The system could close alldistribution lots for which close lot or post lot apply.The highest further-processing level was post lot. However, thesystem could not post all lots that are relevant for thisfurther-processing level.
            • Distribution cancelled

            • The distribution run could not be completed due to an error arising.
              Any further messages appear in the other problem class, in theorder in which they occurred.

              The log is executed as an application log. You can also display it usingtransaction SLG1.

              • Object: IUEEDPPLOT (distribution of aggregated payments)

              • Subobject: THI (distribution run from bill creation)

              • Ext. Identification: Run identification

              • You can also display log data from previous runs. You do this by usingthe input help for the run identification field to select theparameters and choosing log.