SAP Program RIDELPHIN - Deletion Program for Takeover/Handover Tables

This program deletes database enties from the tables PHINH, PHINT andPHIN_MSG. These tables belong to the handover/takeover application.

You must have the authorization 'RSET- Reset/delete data withoutarchiving' for object S_ADMI_FCD.


  • Buffer Days Until Deletion

  • Database entries remain if they are not older than the current dateminus these buffer days.
    • Takeover/Handover (T/H)

    • Used to distinguish the deletion runs between handover and takeover.
      • Takeover Reference Required

      • This flag is only relevant, when takeover files shall be deleted. Ifthis indicator is set, then a takeover file is only deleted, when italready has been used as reference in a handover.
        • Delete with Test Variant

        • If this indicator is set, a test run is executed but no changes are madein the database.
          • Detail Log

          • Controls how detailed the log will be.
            • Log Output

            • Defines where the log is written to. When the application log(transaction SLG1) is used, then you can find the log by selecting inSLG1 entries with 'External ID' starting with 'T-over/H-over' (usewildcard).
              Note that takeover files are only deleted if they have the status'completed'.

              No standard variants are available.

              List of deleted handover/takeover files and a statistic of databasechanges.