You can use this report to do the following in the Claims ManagementSystem (FS-CM):

  • Compare time-dependent Customizing settings

  • Adjust time-dependent Customizing settings

  • Transport time-dependent Customizing settings
  • Integration
    To ensure complete and consistent adjustment or transport of theCustomizing settings in FS-CM, you need to process the following:

    • BDT Customizing (RICL_BDT_COMPARE)

    • Time-dependent Customizing (RICL_CUSTG3)

    • Non-time-dependent Customizing (RICL_CUST04)


    • You can use the programs in parentheses to enter these settings.

      In the TICL199 table, specify the tables or table namespaces that are tobe taken into account before you start. You can also exclude tablesfrom processing in this table.
      If the report is to run for more than one system, you need to create therelevant RFC connections first. You use transaction SM59 for the RFCconnection.

      The program works generically and searches automatically for entries forthe start objects that are to be included by using the DDICrelationships to other tables.
      Possible start objects:

      • Internal claim type

      • Policy product

      • Benefit type tree

      • Question sequence of the structured facts capture

      • In special cases, you can select a complete DDIC table as a startobject.


        • Initial screen:

        • Local:
          If you set this indicator, you directly access the logged on system.You then need to manually specify the client (defaulted with the log onclient).
          If you do not set this indicator, the access is via an RFC destinationthat you need to select. This indicator determines whether theDestination and Client fields are ready for input.
          In a simulation you can compare as many systems as you require.
          If you are not using the simulation, you need to start the program inthe target system. The system then asks you to select or create aCustomizing request after the start.
          Key entries for unchanged objects are also written to the Customizingrequest in the overwrite mode. You can use this for cleaning thesubsequent systems.
          This setting determines whether detailed information for the objects isdisplayed for the program output.
          Insert, Update, Delete:
          If the system is not in simulation mode, you can individually determinewhether new entries are to be inserted into the Customizing tables, orif the table entries are to be updated and/or deleted.
          You use the recursion level to determine the maximum recursion depth ofthe program. If the program run is incomplete as a result of thisrestriction, the system informs you in the output. It may be useful torestrict the recursion depth when you are testing, otherwise the defaultof 99 should be sufficient.
          This setting is used for overwriting object version names.
          Selection of the start object.
          • Claimtype

          • If you enter an internal claim type, the system defaults the generationand version for the source system with the highest values.
            In the target system the default is always Generation/Version 1/1, sincethis is the same as the delivery Customizing settings.
            In addition you can specify whether the internal claim type whosebenefit type trees and question sequences are to be included.
            • Polprod

            • You have the same entry options for the Generation andVersion in policy products as you do in the internal claim type.The corresponding benefit type trees can be automatically processedalso.
              • Bentrees

              • You can use this selection to process individual benefit type trees. Thefunctions for defaulting Generation and Version are thesame as those for the other objects.
                • Queseq

                • Individual question sequences are mainly selected in the same way as forthe other objects. Unlike these, however, there is only one version butno generation. You also need to specify the application ID as a key.

                  The system outputs all inserts, updates and deletes in chronologicalorder, according to the detail switch.

                  • Display of inserted entries

                  • Inserted entries are flagged with an I before the table name. The systemdisplays the full key of the table entry in the source system.
                    • Display of updated entries

                    • Updated entries are flagged with a U. The system displays the key of thesource and the target system, as well as the changed field contents.
                      • Display of deleted entries

                      • Deleted entries are flagged with a D. The system displays the key of theobject in the target system depending on the inserted entries.
                        It also generates an alphabetical summary according to table names.