SAP Program RICL_CLAIM_SEARCH - Claim Search

You can use this report to search for claims using certain searchcriteria.

The search modules of theBusiness Data Toolset (BDT)must have been generated for the current client. To do so, perform IMGactivity Claim Search (BDT Search).


You can search for claims using the following selection criteria:

  • Claim data (such as claim/loss date, status)

  • Claim handler data

  • Business partner / participant data (such as participant role)

  • Tasks that exist for a claim

  • Note that when you search for claims by way of tasks, the search mighttake a very long time.


    The system displays a list with the claims that match the searchcriteria. Information such as the claim date, contract number, andpolicy product is shown for each claim.
    If you also use existing tasks for the search, a traffic light icon isalso displayed in the list. For more information on this traffic lightfunction, see Consider Tasks in Claim Search

    From this list of found claims, you can navigate to display or changemode of claims processing.


    For more information, see Customer-SpecificEnhancement of Search Reports.