SAP Program RICL_CLAIMS_LIST - Claim List

Claim List,,,,

You can use this report to display a list ofclaims and associatedsubclaims, depending on the selection criteria chosen. From this claimlist, you can double-click to navigate to the processing mode of theclaim or subclaim.
For more information, see the Application Help for the Claims Managementsystem under Claims Management -> Claim -> Evaluations in the ClaimsManagement System -> Call Claim List.


You can enhance this report without modifications. To do so:
Create the following INCLUDE reports:
You can use this report to define global data declarations and selectionscreen enhancements.
This report is used to implement the predefined ZZ_xxx form routinecalls as well as your own new form routines.
Example: At the START-OF-SELECTION event, the form routineZZ_START_OF_SELECTION is called. You can implement this form routine inthe include ZZ..F01.
Search the source code globally for PERFORM ZZ to find all predefinedcustomer exit routines.