SAP Program RICL_BRF_UPDATE_OBJ_NAMES - BRF Object Renaming: Request List

Following a conversion of the namespaces of theBusiness Rule Framework(BRF), objects and their usage need to be renamed.
With your release status (as from 6.0), both old and new BRF objectsexist after the upgrade.
Before SAP ECC Industry Extension Insurance 6.0, it was possiblefor old objects delivered by SAP to be in the letter namespace A* to Z*.This namespace now belongs to the customer namespace.
Expression CLMST is therefore replaced by expression 0A3_CLMST.
The report imports a request list from table TICLB_900C and analyzesthese requests with regard to the following problems before executingthem:
  • Do the source (old object) and target (new object) exist?

  • If the source object no longer exists, are any remaining usages directedto the new object when you give the order?
    Generally, nothing needs to be done here. You can ignore the request.
    • Collision: Have you changed the old object?

    • A collision leads to a resetting of the renaming request.
      You can still replace the object. All usages of the old object that youchanged are replaced by usages of the new object.
      The old object is retained to enable rollback of the conversion.
      All changes are logged in table TICLB_900C.

      Use in the SAP System
      The report has additional functions in SAP development and upstreamsystems (delivery client). Use the path on the start screen to import aCSV file with requests.
      The format of this file comprises three or more columns with thefollowing content

      • Application class

      • Old object

      • New object

      • The import only refers to expressions (object category F).

        Steps in a Renaming Action (SAP)
        Each renaming action made necessary by a release change or a regroupingof BRF object sets takes place as follows:
        Planning by means of table calculation
        Import (function EXCEL in this report)
        Execution in the SAP system
        Delete any incorrect renamings from the table (transaction SE16).
        All status specifications in TICLB_900c are then reset. The reportprovides the function Delete Status Before Delivery for thispurpose.
        Table TICLB_900c is now ready for delivery.