SAP Program RICL_BRF_TRANSPORT_SIMPLE - Copying and Transporting BRF Objects from FS-CM

This report executes the following activities:

  • Copies Business
  • Rule Framework (BRF) objects
    • Writes transport entries for BRF objects

    • Copies and then writes transport entries for BRF objects
    • Integration
      This report is a preliminary version that will be replaced by a similarBRF version later. It is therefore part of the Claims Management systemand not part of the BRF, which belongs to the application basis.

      The selection screen is divided into the following sections that grouprelated parameters or settings by subject:

      • Main selection

      • The only field available here is the application class. The permittedvalues are: ICL (claim) and ICLE (claim bundle).
        You also have the option of copying/transporting the BRF applicationclass FLIGHT (flight example).
        This is a required entry field.
        • Subselection

        • Leave the entries for the import status (A) and version (0000) as theyare.
          • Object restriction

          • The BRF objects delivered by SAP (normally) start with digits. Customerand partner objects start with letters.
            You can use the radio buttons to control which BRF objects arecopied/transported. The following settings are possible:
            SAP objects only
            Customer objects only
            All objects
            • Exclusion group

            • BRF objects can belong to a group. Sometimes you may not want tocopy/transport BRF objects.
              If that is the case, group those BRF objects together in one group andenter that group here. The BRF objects in this group will not becopied/transported.
              • Operations

              • Here you define which operations are executed. The following operationsare possible:
                All BRF objects in the specified client (this cannot be thecurrent client)that have been determined from the selection criteria are copied tothe current client. You can only copy objects within a system. Thereport used for this must be executed in the target client. The objectsthat have been copied are added to the target client, and existingobjects are changed accordingly. No objects are deleted in the targetclient. Obsolete and excluded objects are not copied.
                Identical copy
                This is the same as copying except that objects in the target client,which do not have an equivalent in the source client, are deleted in thetarget client. A transport entry is written for this. Obsolete andexcluded objects are also deleted.
                Transport entries are written for all BRF objects in the current clientthat have been determined according to the selection criteria. Thecurrent client must be a Customizing client.
                You must then enter a transport request when the system asks you forone. The report must run in the system and client fromwhich you want the objects to be exported.
                Obsolete and excluded BRF objects are not included in the transport, butare not deleted from the database either.
                Copy and transport
                All BRF objects in the specified client (this cannot be thecurrent client)that have been determined according to the selection criteria arecopied to the current client. Transport entries are written for theobjects that have been copied. You must then enter a transport requestwhen the system asks you for one. The report must run in the system andclient into which you want the objects to be copied and from which youwant them to be exported. Obsolete and excluded objects are not copiedor transported.
                Clear and transport
                This is the same as transporting, except that obsolete and excluded BRFobjects are deleted from the database. Transport entries are written forthis.
                The system runs a basic consistency check on the BRF objects for all thesettings. Obsolete database entries, which are inaccessible to the BRF,are not copied or transported. However, they are not normally deleted(unless you choose clear and transport).
                • Display options

                • As part of the preparation process for the BRF objects, a list isgenerated, showing the BRF objects affected up to database level.
                  The entries are as follows:
                  Entries that are copied/transported (success messages)
                  Entries that are excluded from being copied/transported(warnings and errors)
                  If a table entry is not copied/transported, the system specifies areason why the entry has been added to the list ofwarnings/errors (typical example: Obsolete entry).
                  You can use the first three indicators to define the scope of theresults list.
                  The fourth indicator determines the level of detail per data record. Foreach data record, you can have all fields or just the key fieldsdisplayed.
                  • Additional settings

                  • Note: This is only relevant for SAP.
                    The objects to be copied can be made anonymous, in other words, theentry for the person responsible for the object can bechanged from the user ID to "SAP".
                    • Simulation

                    • In simulation mode, all operations that change the database are skipped.

                      The results list, which is like a log, consists of two parts:

                      • The first part lists all table entries affected when the
                      • report runs, provided you have set at least one of the first threeindicators in the Display Options section.
                        • The second part lists all tables affected with the number of
                        • inserts and updatesexecuted. The number of deletes is only hypothetical since nodeletes are executed.

                          Start this report in the client whose entries you want toexport/transport (source system and client).
                          Start this report in the client to which you want to copy the entries ofanother client in the same system (target client).
                          Select precisely one of the possible application classes(ICL, ICLE, FLIGHT).
                          All other parameters/settings are optional. However, selectyour default settings to make them as general as possible.

                          • If you want to make changes to the database, you must
                          • deactivate simulation mode explicitly.
                            • If you just want to clear entries (without transporting them),
                            • select transport and clear only.
                              If the current client is not a Customizing client, the system does notask for a transport request, but clears the objects.
                              If the current client is a Customizing client, the system asks for atransport request.
                              • Make sure that you do not need to transport the deletion
                              • entries.
                                Once you have checked this, you can delete the related transport requestafter clearing.