SAP Program RIAFVC10 - Confirmation Using Operation List

Confirmation Using Operation List

You can use this report program to display a list of operations to beconfirmed which satisfy your selection criteria.

From the list screen generated, you can:

  • Call up the transactions for individual and collective confirmation of
  • order operations
    • Generate a confirmation pool

    • Display the order to which the operation belongs
    • Features
      In addition to the fields for restricting selection data, two checkboxesare also available on the selection screen:

      • Only PM orders

      • If you select this field, the system only selects maintenance andservice orders.
        • Collective entry

        • If you select this field, the report program enters the selection resultdirectly in the collective entry screen, without previously displaying alist of results from which you can reselect.
          For more information, see the SAP Library under Logistics -> PlantMaintenance and Customer Service -> Maintenance Processing -> CompletionConfirmations.

1554293Poor performance in EAM lists due to missing phase
1087315IW48: Missing selection texts
393393Performance improvement of the operation list
497466Operation list: Incorrect selection after operation phase
415409New selection strategy only for service/PM orders
61861Performance improvement in PM & SM lists (indexes)