SAP Program RH_FREEZE_BUDGET - Freeze Planned Quota

Freezing Planned Required Positions

Using this report you can freeze the required positions data of aparticular date until a date that you specify. This means that thecurrent quota figures of the date in question are taken as a referencevalue and are transfered into the planning for the current as well asthe next time interval. The frozen quota is then valid until the end ofthe time interval entered under Freeze Until.

When you execute this report, the following parameters are relevant:


  • Planning type

  • Enter here the planning type stored in table T77POSBUD, to which thecurrent required positions figures are to be transfered.
    • Key date

    • Enter here the date whose current required positions are to be taken asa reference value. This quota is transfered to the planning for allfollowing time intervals, including the time interval entered underFreeze Until.
      • Freeze until

      • Here you enter a period, until the end of which the required positionsdata is to be frozen. The type of period (week, month, and so on) isstored together with the planning type in table T77POSBUD.

        In the first quarter of 2000 there is a quota of three positions for agiven organizational unit. For the other three quarters of the yearfive positions have been planned. On 20 January 2000 (Key Date)the required positions are frozen until the end of the third quarter (
        Freeze Until: 3/2000). This means that for the first, second andthird quarters the quota figure of three positions is transfered toplanning, and only at the beginning of the fourth quarter is theoriginally planned figure of five positions included again.