SAP Program RHXMARP0_LSO_OLD - Material Requirements per Course

This report lets you display materials from the material master(resources of the type material) required by courses. In addition, ifrequired, you can generate amaterial reservation formaterial that is in stock or apurchase requisition fornon-stock material with this report.
If a course does not require material, a message to this effect isoutput.
The report evaluates the values stored under 'amount available' for theresource type assigned to the material. This information is stored inthe 'Availability Indicators' infotype where you specify whethermaterial is required per course or per participant.

You activate integration with Materials Management for the MaterialOrder function in Customizing for Training Management underMaterials Management

The report output depends on the parameters you select:

Business event selection
There are multiple options for starting reporting:
Enter one or more course groups -> the system determines allcourses belonging to the specified group(s) and displays their materialrequirements.
Enter one or more course types -> the system determines allcourses belonging to the specified type(s) and displays their materialrequirements.
Enter one or more courses directly.

Reporting period
You can specify any period for the reporting. The report only includescourses whose start date lies within the reporting period.

Standard selection screen
This is not a data selection parameter. If you select this indicatorand choose Execute, then before the report is executed, it takesyou to the extended selection screen of the main report RHMARP00.
On the selection screen of the main report, you can search for objectsby, for example, status. As a rule, it is not necessary to go to themain report since the pre-report offers sufficient selection options.Do not select this indicator if you do not want to access the mainreport before choosing Execute.

The report's list screen can contain the following informationdepending on your layout specifications:

  • Course name

  • Controlling area

  • Cost center

  • Start and end date of the course

  • Capacity of the course (minimum, optimum, maximum)

  • Bookings

  • Name of material

  • Material number

  • Requirements per course

  • Requirements per participant

  • Total requirements (in the case of requirements per participant, the
  • figure is multiplied by the number of participants booked)
    • Reservation status display

    • Reference document number of the material reservation (once executed)

    • Reference document number of the material order (once executed)

    • You select the data you want displayed under Change layout.
      When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the columnsthat are displayed on the list screen in the left table, and the hiddencolumns in the right table.
      By selecting columns and moving the arrows, you can determine whatcolumns are displayed. To transfer the changed layout, chooseTransfer.
      To save the layout, choose Save layout. You can call this layoutas required by choosing Choose layout.
      You can find more information about display options on the list screenunder Help in the SAP Library by choosing Getting Started-> The SAP Window -> List -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV):Grid Control.
      On the list screen, you can choose Reserve Material to executethe material reservation and/or purchaserequisition for a material displayed.
      The following process flow takes place:
      When you choose Reserve Material, a dialog box appears in whichyou can specify whether the required amount should be based on thenumber of bookings or on the optimum capacity defined for the course.
      Once the reservation has been executed, an availability check iscarried out for the material. Depending on the result of the check, areservation or purchase requisition or both is created. These arefurther processed in Materials Management.
      When the ordering transaction has been completed, the reservation orpurchase requisition should be updated on the MaterialRequirements per Course screen. If you are working in distributedsystems, it may be necessary to monitor the transactions by means ofALE Monitoring. If you order a material whose organizational data(purchasing, plant, or storage location data) is incomplete, an errordialog is created. You must follow the instructions in the errordialog.
      If the reservation or purchase requisition is created successfully, youcan access the original document in Materials Management (forreservations) or in Purchasing (for purchase requisitions) simply bydouble-clicking the reference number in Training and Event Management.
      If you are using distributed systems (HR and LO in different systems)you must also read the information contained underSet Up Material as a Resource in TrainingManagement.