SAP Program BCALV_BDS_MAINTENANCE - Template maintenance


In the ALV environment, data can be displayed as an Excel inplace. SAPdelivers two standard templates for this purpose.
If users want to create their own templates, they must link these to alayout. These saved layouts with the self-defined templates can bemodified at any time because the system temporarily stores thetemplates linked to the layout in the database. You can use this reportto delete these (temporary) templates. The report can be run in dialogor in batch mode.
You can also use this report to manage another category of templatescalled unreferenced templates. If a layout with the same name existsboth in system A and in system B and the layout in system A hasself-defined templates linked to it while the template in system B hasnot, unreferenced templates exist in system B when the layout istransported from system A to system B. These templates are unreferencedsince they are no longer linked to a valid layout (because the layoutin system B has adopted all attributes from system A).
In addition to self-defined (layout-specific) templates, administratorscan also create client-wide templates. These templates are subject tothe naming convention CUS_* and can also be saved to the R/3 databaseusing this report. Client-wide templates are not linked to a layout andcan therefore be used in any report. You must use this report to savetemplates of this kind to the database or to delete them. The ALVmaintenance dialog allows you only to edit layout-specific templates.Besides this multilingual capacity, these templates can be transportedacross the entire R/3 system landscape with this report. To do this,you must create a Customizing request.


The selection screen provides the following options:

  • Display the templates

  • Delete the templates manually or in batch mode

  • Save new SAP standard templates and company-wide templates to the R/3
  • database or delete them

    The standard variants for the batch are:

    • DEL_OLD_ONES (deletes all unreferenced and temporary templates older
    • than two days)
      • DEL_WITH_LIST (deletes all unreferenced and temporary templates older
      • than two days, and creates a log of all templates deleted)

        Users can list all templates together with their attributes, and selectand delete individual lines in display mode. A traffic light symbol isused as a control icon. Templates marked with a red traffic lightcannot be deleted at all. Templates with a yellow light should only bedeleted with caution because they may still be in use. Templates with agreen traffic light can be removed immediately.
        In upload mode, you can list, delete and save standard templates to theR/3 database. The system does not use any security mechanism here. Whenyou save a template to the database, you must specify a language inwhich the template is to be created (if you do not specify a language,the system uses the system language).
        When you run the delete mode, the system deletes the unreferenced andtemporary templates (which are older than two days). This requires,however, that the corresponding checkbox has been selected.
        The batch mode includes the same range of functions.
        When you delete templates manually, the log creates the file'maintenance_log.xls' in the directory 'c:\temp'. In batch mode, a listis stored in the spool.

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