SAP Program BC505TS1 - Make a tablespace nearly full and guarantee a critical object in it

Report BC505TS1 is used for training purposes. Table BC505TS is droppedif it exists and then recreated with new storage parameters intablespace PSAPUSER1D. INIT is set to a very big value. The value ischosen according to freespace in PSAPUSER1D and varies between 8K and100 MB. NEXT is set to 512K. Then the table is inserted until less than5MB storage space are available in tablespace PSAPUSER1D. NEXT is thenset to 5MB. Allocation of a next extent for BC505TS will fail.

Runtimes will become very long if freespace is very large inPSAPUSER1D. The program will work for freespace as large as 290 MB. Atleast 32 K freespace must be available.

No output.

Execute report BC505TS1 as a preparation for reports BC505TS2 andBC505TS3.