SAP Program RHU_INV_EDIT - Process a Phys. Inventory Document

During inventory document processing you can delete single handlingunits from the inventory. You can delete both single handling units andalso complete inventory documents. The deletion status is updated forthe items in the selected handling unit, and the status 'In physicalinventory' is deleted for the handling unit.

You must have created a physical inventory using the functionCreate Handling Unit Inventory.

You can limit the selection of inventory documents using the followingcriteria:

  • Inventory Number

  • Physical Inventory

  • Entry date

  • Creator

  • Material

  • Plant

  • Storage Location

  • You can also choose the following additional selection criteria inorder to restrict the display:
    • Display only completely counted documents

    • Display only posted documents
    • Output
      The selected handling units are output using the ALV Grid Controldisplay.