SAP Program RHU40CO0 - Conversion of table HRP1500 to expenditure types

This report assigns expenditure types to existing budgets by updatingtable HRP1500. The report also assigns expenditure types to existingfunding (table HRPADPM is updated in this case).
The report is available as an XPRA in Release 4.5A.

If you do not use the HR Funds and Position Management component, youdo not need to do anything.
If you do use the HR Funds and Position Management component, you mustensure that the tables are converted before the system goes live. Youcan do this by running this report or report RHPMTL05 and reportRHPMTL06, both of which allow you to perform a test run first.
If tables HRP1500 and HRPADPM cannot be converted during the upgrade,this has no further knock-on effects for the rest of the upgrade.