SAP Program RHRH_CHECK_ITF - Test Interface for Decoupled Infotypes

With this tool you can test your decoupled infotypes.


On the selection screen you can enter the parameters with which allrecords of an infotype will be read and presented in the overviewscreen.
The overview screen lists all found records of an infotype. You have thefollowing options to maintain a record:

  • Create

  • Here you can create a new record. A detail screen will pop up where youcan enter the PSKEY fields and field ITBLD of an infotype. With theentered values the business logic will be called and provide a newcontainer. The result leads to a new detail screen where you can seeand change all fields of the infotype.
    If you press the 'check' icon the business logic will try to save therecord into the buffer. If the message handler didn't have any messagesto show, a success message will appear. Otherwise an application logwill display the messages together with a 'detail' icon(in case thebusiness logic provides a field list) where you can see which fieldscause the message.
    If everything is ok, you can also press the 'save' icon to create thenew record.
    • Modify

    • Here you can change a record which you have marked on the overviewscreen. A detail screen will pop up where you can see and change allfields of the infotype. Here you can also check or save the changedrecord.
      • Copy

      • Here you can copy a record which you have marked on the overview screen.A detail screen will pop up where you can see and change the copiedfields. Here you can also check or save the copied record.
        • Delete

        • Here you can delete a record which you have marked on the overviewscreen. If everything is ok, the record will disappear from the overviewscreen. Otherwise an full-screen application log will display themessages together with a 'detail' icon(in case the business logicprovides a field list) where you can see which fields cause the message.
          Note: It's not possible to move characters in pure number fields of aninfotype (e.g. DEC, INT). So the system will raise an exception in sucha case. To avoid this dump, the tool (and NOT the business logic) willdisplay the abend message 'Entry not allowed'. Other number fields likeNUMC or DATS won't dump. Here it is possible to move characters in suchfields. That means the business logic must take care of them.

          Texts of values
          The modification popup contains three columns: the name of the infotypefield, the value and the corresponding text of the value. These textswill be received with the generic text reader. In case the text readerdoesn't find a text the field is empty. If you are wondering why a textwon't be displayed you should see the documentation of reportRS_TEST_IDENTIFY_TEXT (and espaciallythose documents beeing linked) for details.
          Note: You can also switch off the generic text reader via a parameter onthe selection screen.

          PQ convertion:
          In case the business logic of your infotype has implemented the PQmethods of interface IF_HRPA_PQ_CONVERSION an icon 'PQ convertion' willappear next to the 'check' icon on the modification popup.
          If you press this icon, a new popup will appear where the PNNNN fieldswill tried to be converted into the QNNNN fields (method PNNNN_TO_QNNNN)and back (method QNNNN_TO_PNNNN).
          Please watch out that the parameters of method GET_QNNNN are filledalso. Otherwise it will lead to a dump!

          Infotype texts in TX cluster:
          In case your decoupled infotype can store infotype texts in TX cluster(Flag INFTX in table T582A is marked) another icon will appear next tothe 'delete' icon on the overview screen. If you now mark an infotyperecord on the overview screen which has which has an 'X' in field ITXEXand press this icon a popup with the cluster text will appear.

          Recording of test cases:
          To create automatical tests for the decoupled infotypes the Q-Managementneed a kind of test cases. To avoid that every developer must haveknowledge about the different CATT tools to record the different testcases we decided to implement this function directly into the test tool.So if you want to record a test case of your decoupled infotype justexecute the test tool with button 'Execute with recording' instead of'Execute' on the selection screen.
          Now before you see the overview screen all existing infotype records forthe corresponding personnel number will be read and stored. Also everymanipulation at the overview screen (create, modify, copy, delete) foryour decoupled infotype will be recorded by the test tool together withthe before and after image of its records and the messages which willappear.
          Things like checking a record on the modification popup or other thingslike PQ conversions and displaying of infotype texts of TX cluster won'tbe recorded.
          After you have finished all you want for recording you must press icon'Stop recording' on the overview screen. Now you can see the completerecorded test case on the screen. You can navigate and see thecorresponding data via the entries in the tree on the left side. If anadditional infotype is not necessary to execute the test case you canunmark its checkbox before you save the test case.
          On the main screen you then see the corresponding records (if you havemodified or copied a record you always see two records: the original andthe changed one) and messages to the choosen infotypes or steps. Thefirst container displays the records and the second one the messages.
          In case you need special customizing entries to execute this test casein addition you can also write this into the texteditor on the screen.
          If everything is ok with the test case you can save it. If you go backwithout saving the test case will be thrown away On the selection screenyou can load and see a saved test case via button 'Maintenance of testcases'. Here you are also able to delete it.
          All saved test cases are stored in cluster database CLSTCASE and fromthere they will be evaluated from the Q-Management in the near future.