SAP Program RHRFPM_CHANGE_AA_PCH - Infotypen umkontieren (Personalplanung und -entwicklung)

Program RHRFPM_CHANGE_AA_PCH copies account assignment changes carriedout in Funds Management (FM) for infotype records of PersonnelPlanning and Development with the reassignment tool.
Apart from this, the program enables the determination of initial FMaccount assignments in infotype records of Personnel Planning andDevelopment.

This program uses functions from Funds Management.

Prerequisite for using this program is that you are using ReleaseSAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 2.00 (EA-PS 200) and ReleaseSAP R/3 Enterprise HR Extension 2.00 (EA-HR 200) at least.
However, you do not require Release SAP R/3 Enterprise PublicServices 2.00 (EA-PS 200) for the function Find Initial AccountAssignments.

The new account assignments are determined based on the reassignmentrules defined in Funds Management. The program determines the validreassignment rules from the fiscal year and company code as follows:

  • the fiscal year is derived from the date entered in the selection field
  • Key Date for Reassignment
    • the company code is determined from the master account assignment of the
    • person for the first day of the respective infotype record.
      Infotype records whose validity period contains the key date aredelimited so that the reassignment becomes effective from the key dateonly. Infotype records whose validity period is after the key date arereassigned for the whole validity period.
      This program can also be used for migrating the HR-FM integration. If aspecific account assignment dimension from Funds Management is activatedin operative HR, then the corresponding values must be entered in thegeneral initial account assignments of this dimension. You do this intwo steps:
      Execute function Find Initial Account Assignments to obtain anoverview of the infotype records with an initial account assignment.
      If you do not use Release SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 2.00 (EA-PS200), navigate directly to the master data maintenance to delimit theinfotype records and fill the account assignments manually.
      If you use Release SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 2.00 (EA-PS 200),you can delimit and fill the account assignments using this program. Todo this, create reassignment rules in Funds Management that convert theinitial account assignments to others. To ignore other reassignmentrules, you use the indicator Only Initial Account Assignments.

      The results of the simulation or update run can be issued in the log.From here it is possible to navigate to the master data maintenance bydouble-clicking on fields Object ID and Infotype.